Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

II ii 43.6 Vert, z 9 An Expofitiàn-upon the Bookof j O B. Chap, 3, tween 1mal l and great : According to that ofthe Apof le, Heb. 9. 27'. It is appointed to men once to dye, to men indefinitely, of what fort,or degree, or..fiae,orquantity,or quality foever; It is appoint - ed to men; therefore fmall and great are there,and many ofall forts are there. i& quo ilk There is a further Elegancy yet in the Original ; we read it, fir am par'vt fmall andgreat are there ; but the Hebrew flridly read in the let- part ndur>! Úud' ter. runs thus, the 'mall and the great are there the fame : Or as Mors sceptre Mr Broughton renders it, little andgreat are there all one. The BiBónbr t words taken thus,yield thefe two points toour meditation. Firfi, quo, Druf, this, kir=) Death feizeth equally upon allforts anddegrees ofmen. The fmall, and thegreat are there : The fmall cannot efeape the hands, or flip through the fingers ofdeath, becaufe they are little ; the greatefl cannot refcue themfefives from the power, or break out of the hands of death, becaufe theyare big .. That the final] are there,fhould be an admonition to young ó.nes; Take heed ofputting o f repentance untilyou-aregreat, for thefmall thegrave : that the great are there, fhould be an admonition to -the greateft and fi-rongeft to prepare for death ; for all your. ílrength and greatnefs, your honours, your fwelling Titles, your vaß-riches, cannot oppofe, much lefs prevent orovercome death. 'Ihqfinall and tbegreat are there. Secondly, obferve; That Death makes all men equall, or, -That all are equall in Death. As death equally takes hold ofall men, fo death makesall men equal; not onlyare the finali and the great there,but there the fmall and the great are the fame : Death takes away all diflinUi ons, and the Grave knows no difference among the Sons of men. While men live, they are at a great difiance one from another. There is, and there oughtto be diftindìions among men, and men ought to know their terms ofdifi;ance,and to acknowledgemen in.. theirgreatnefs,powerand places. As there is one glory ofthe Sun, andanother glory of the Moon, and another gloryof the oars, for one Star differed) from another in Glory, r Cor. 15.41. So there is- one terreftrial glory ofKings, and another gloryofNobles,and another glory ofthe Common-people,and thefe have not the fame glory in common; even among them, one mandiffers from another man in this worldly glory. But when death comes, there is an. end of all degrees,, of all diflindions,- There thefmall and the great aarethefame. As the. Apoflle fpeaks ofour being in Chrift, in re-; Bard.