Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. r. An Expofition upon the BookofJ O B. He efchewed evil. From hence obferve alto. i. Godly pertns do not onlyforbearfin, but they abhorfin. They havenot only their hands bound fromit, but they have their hearts fet againft it. Holy enmity againft fin is the temper of a godly mans heart, he efchews evil. z. A godly mans oppofitionoffin ás univerfal, it is againft allfin. Yob efchewed evil;all evil: there was nopicking of this or that particular evil tooppofe;but whatfoever carneunder the name and notionoffin, Yobs fpirit turned againft it : enmity is againJt the kind. 3. Godlyperfons do not only avoid the all: ofevil, best all theoc- cafions of evil. Yobefthewed eviI,whatfoeverled him to evil,all theappearance ofevil, as the Apofile fpeaks ; we cannot avoid the fin, if we will not avoid the occafion. When Solomon cautions to take heed of the path of the wicked, he ufeth four exprefíions, and all to the fame purpofe. Avoid it (faith lee) paf:r not by it, turn from it erov 4 tç andpafs away ; to thew unto us, that ifwe would keep from the aós offin, we mutt keep from the wayoffin. The fecond thingwhereby his profperous enate is fet out unto us,is what his poffeflions were.You have a particular inventory of his eftate in the fecond and third verfes, &you have the total fum tact up after all theparticulars are fet down, and it amounts to thus much, that Yob was the greaten ofall the men in the Eaft. In the fecond verfe you have the firn part ofhis goods fet down, his Jewels, his children. There were born unto him liven font andthree daughters. he word This verfe contains the firtt part ofJobs outward happinefs;the Banï, tots,, blellings ofchildren.Concerning whomwe have three things offe- comes from red. r . Their number, ten. 2. The diftinûion ofSexes, Sons andBanah, to Daughters. 3. Their mutual love and concord, v. 4. build, becaufe There is little in the words that needs explication ; therefore [oers b dálu p where the Scripture is plain and clear, I will not fpend time. their Fathers There were born unto him 1 houfe,& con- His children werenot born against him, but born unto him, anus the fa- given as comforts andbleflings to him. fully. Or be- caufe they are Sevenf ons and three daughters] The number (even, and the (as it were) number three,are numbersofperfeífion.Some trouble themfelves built,& framed _much about them; but I will not (lay upon numbers. out of thei VcrfeParcnts. VerG r . 33