Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

43$ Verf. g 9. An Expof tton upon the Booknf J'Or B. Chap.. , tß`6 The word which we tranflate ris freeD e noteth tha.t formal m-_nu- rniffion or toting at liberty which is ufed in places or corporations, Wpi where freedomsareeither purchafed by money, or deferve<l,byap- ,,pointed fervice. / font 7 0- And theword here translated Mafter, is plural, Mafers : it is ruin term 7ario one ofthe Names of God, Adonai,, which Name, the 'Lord bath pluratir, etfen from Government ; that very name is given to Mailers.of Fami- ` °ht +a "r ' ciáelicei ndc- lies, hecaufe they ought to govern andorder the aifairsand bufì- y?itn 7»minrs, nefsof the family with wifdom and judice ; Every Mailer ofa fa- 11E'1 , Elohim Deus, mily id' a Go eenour of the family ; he is (as it were) a king in ,his Helm Bagnalim, 'Own family., _'he Servant isfreefrom bis Mailer. Hence note, fird this. Sin. brought infervility,a td thefubjetiionofman toman. I ground it thus, bccaufe fob (peaks of fervice as of an eflate of afliaion, as of an cftate of trouble, under which many groan, and from which they can get no releafe,,t.ill death break the bands, andfets them free. 'In the dateof innocency, there .was a dominion ranted tornan over the beads , but there was no dominion granted, tman over -Gen, r. i6, man : In the date ofintc rit relations fhould havecontinued but fùbjedion fhould not have been found, only that natural fubje- i t1ion of Children to Parents; but as for civil fubjedion there had iPaccatura liter_ been no fuch thin g in.the world. Before man forfook the fervice ántravir earem.lercidit of,God, he needed none to ferve him ; fervice comesin by fin, and 6. corrupt: pa- the increafe ofit by the increafe offin : As we fee, when Canaan . tefi'atem trac-- was fo vile,as to forget the duty ofa Son, he is fet below,or in the C ratant' worft condition ofa fervant, Gíen. Curfed be Canaan, a Ser- Gft.Fscm vane e ruants all he be unto his Brethren, that is, the loweftand 29. in Gen. .ff fe v . r subllantivun mod abject fervant : As God of Gods is the.greated God, and ,-, feipfiian geniti. Lord of Lords is the Higheft Lord; fo fervant of fervants is the o cafe regent lowe.ft,thebaled fervant. So then, as civil fubje cion came at firfd f uperl,7tivan ,terutionemcum from fin, fo the increafeof fubjecion, which is to be a fervant of jln ulari euer fervants, came from the increafe and progrefs of fin. Obferve fe- gia denotar. condly, vBux°torf ser- A Servant ú not in bis oxen dfpofe. Though he be a voluntary bJe fervant,yet lae nand ferve the lawful will ofhis- mafter.Hemaysyea he ought,. in every ingenuous fervice, to ferve, willingly but he is not at his own.will, to ferve when, or where, or how he will. Some have thought they have a freedom from fervice by the li- berty ofthe Gofpel, or Gofpel- príviledg ; and that is the Reafon why