Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. AnExpofition upon the Sdokof JOB. Verf. 20. 439. why the Apoflle, r Tim. 6. I. gives that Rule, Let as manyfé voais as are under the Yoke, count their ovin Mailers worthy of all honour, &c. He fpeaks ofbelieving Servants. Someprefurned they had fuch freedom by Chrill, that they might call off fub- jeGfion to men ; No faith theApofile, as many as are under the Tolte , that is , while they continue fervants they mull fubmit to their condition, yea, though their>Maltersbe unbelievers, as the next Verfe ¡hews ; And they that have believing Majiers , let them not defpife them, eTc. nothing takes away fitbjesrtion but death : For as he that is called in the Lord, beinga Servant, is the Lords free-man, I Cor. 7.22. So he that is theLords free-man, be- ing called -to it, is and ought to mans fervant : The Centurion in the Gofpel thews the fervantsduty , Ifay unto one, Go, and he goeth, and to another Come, and he cometh, and to my Servant, Da. this, and he doth it. The Servant, is at his Matters beck, not at his owndifpofe,and nothing can free huit but death,fo long as he continues under the,To;4,e in that relation. Hence obferve thirdly, That death concludes thefa+bjehhiion of man to man,. In the grave, or there, the Servant isfreefrom his Matter ; there is no more fer vice due to man, when oncedeath, that king of terrors, hath car- tied us into his dominions. JOB 3. 20,21,2... Wherefore is light given to him that is in 'mifery, and life unto the bitter in Soul? Which longfor death,but it comethnot,atrddigfor it more then for hid treafoeres : Which rejoyce exceedingty,and are gladzrhen they canfind thegrave, &c. T this 20 Verfe, the third and la' Se ion ofthe Chapter be- gins Wherefore is light given to him that is in mijëry, and life to the bitter in Soul ? In the former part of the Chapter, yob withed that death had furprized