.40 Verf.- 20. `AnEx.pfitiort upon thèBo;pkof 0B. Chap. 3. furprized hirn as .f>on as ever he fet his,foot into the world,yea be- fore he carne into the world, that he might have dyed in the very womb : Here j ob begins to expoftulate, why he having made fo lung a journey,and in his latter time fo troublefom a journey in the world,why(I fay) he is not (at his requeft) cut off and takenaway by the firoke of death Why is light given to him that is in mifery, and life to the bitter in Soul ? We may frame his Argument thus, out ofhiswords, as they are here couched : There is no reafon, or if there be, thew me a realn, whyhis lifeAmid beprolonged, who liv- eth miferably, andwoulddye willingly ; But I am the man who live miferably, and Iwoulddye willingly; Wherefore then, where is the reufrn, or therm me a reafon, why my life is prolonged ? : That is the force ofhis Argument. The main propofition oftheArgument is contained in the aa, 21,225 23. Verfes, namely, that there is no reafon why a man;tlrat liveth miferably fhould be denyed todye ; Wherefore is light given to a man that is in mifery ? He endeavours toprove the Affumption at the 24.. verte,. where he thews that he lived in great trifery,which he doth amplifie in the two laft verfes ofthe Chapter. This may ferve for the fum and fcopeor intend- mendment of this laft Section. To the wordsthemfèlves. Wherefore is light given to him that is sn mifery ? Wherefore. There is a wherefore in Scripture, firft of doubting, and fecondly there is a wherefore ofmourning,and thirdly,awhere- ' fore of complaining. In this wherefore, in thisqueftion, we may in- clude all three.job d.oübted,andJobmourneth,and Job complain- eth, Wherefore_is light given to him that is in mifery ? : Wherefore is light? did MaidprocIefl Lanni in nri e- Light. Some take light here for knowledge, Wherefore loatha visecon(littao, .miJrrable man firanucb knowledge to fee himjelf, and to know qcaodlucenrceg- himfelf mifrable? It is force abatement to the fence of mifery, erirìonú babear, not to know that we are miferable ; Wherefore is Light given ? rim per eon ifIdid not underfiand the raducís of my condition, it would be +:evfderet main Y quibats lots to the. There is a truth in that; and it is the thing that will ur.. Aguin. in fo much torment and vex the damned toall eternity ; That while 'r , they are in the darknefs ofhelliíh mifery, they [hall have fomuch light in Hell, (. I-mean the light.of knowledge concerning their own condition, whereby they [hall fully arid clearlydifcern their own