Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An Expofition upon the Bookof :J 0 B. Vert. z o. 44! own.unhappiuefs; ) If theywere ignorant,and did not know how miferable they were, their efiate were far lefs mifcrable. On earth, the light ofthe knowledge of Gods will increafes,the fin ofmen ; in Hell, thelight of theknowledge of their own wo will. be an in- creafe oftheir punifhment. As Chrift faith to the 'Jews,, foh..9.4a. Ifye were blind; yefhould have nofin; but nowyefay, wefie, there- fore fin remaineth. So wemay fay ofthofe who are feparated from Chrift for ever ; ifye wereblind, ye fhould have no furrow, hilt now becaufe in that eftate ofutter darknefe, ye fhall have both eyes and light to fee your mifery, therefore your forrow (hall re- main. When a wicked man goes to the generation of hisfathers , where hefhall.never fee light,fo. ofcomfort, Pfal. 49. 19. even then he fhall have.light enough (and more thenhe would have) to fee his forrow. Hell he thallbe as muchpained with, and hate the light of his own condition, as upon earthhe hated and was pained with the light ofdivine Revelation, Job. 3. z;o,&C.,So that the damned (hall for ever cryout, Wherefore is light given to him that is in mifery ? Yet I take not this tobe the f,:nfe here, Wherefore k light? ? by light here,underftand natural light,and then it is no more but this,. Whydo my eyes yet behold the Sun ?, Wherefore_çloth the lightfhine upon me, whenas Iam under the clouds, and intbedarknefsof this condition ? or by light, we may underftand life ; and fo the feule is,wherefore is life continued(which is exprefhed in the next claufe) tohim that is inmifery ? To be in.mifery, is more then to be milerable. As to be in the t%ñ flefh, notes a meet carnal man, and to be in thefpirit, notes a very Sumitur aïïive fpiritual man ; fo tobe in mifery, notes .a very miferableman.The pro labo;e cum Hebrewword properly lignifies, labour; at the tenth Verle it was °,'!¡,`,. aóne ræ tranflated, Jarrow : And it notes any toylfom moleftation, which paroepro either we our felvcs endure, (Pfal. 25. IS.) or...caufe:others by "dolore;lfo 1 guile or mifchief done them,to endure.Ilence it is tranflated guile, euforia et frfe Pfal. 55. o r. and mifchief, (Pfal. 9.4. 2o.) becaufe by there one utroque mo3o man troubles and vexes another, to the making ofhim onilerable. junwm,cutin Ecelefale, ul P And life to the bitter in Soul. vice humane calamitas 7 .Life is the union of Soul arid Body ; when,life departeth, Soul mabulo oJxpi s- andbody take leave and part: The Phylofopher defined Life tobe fur. the bond or colligation of Soul and Body together : Now (faith L 1 1 yob