Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

442k Verf. I9.- An Expofstion the kolt,ofj,:0B. Chap: 3,: Job) why is this life, why is this bond continued to a manwhofe Soul is in bitternefs ? while my life was pleafant, it was pleafant- to live ; while my foul was Tweet, it was fweet to have it knit to myBody; but nowmy Soul is in.bitternefs,or I am bitter inSoul,: and what fweetnefs or pleafure can I find in myBody ? t13ä1 ,-1b 7 To be bitter in Soul , notes deep intrinfecal or inward farrow; it pra cola. the greateft forrowmakes the Soul bitter : As in Scripture, when,. 'mate anima we find Soul added, refpet hng the evil of an.eftate, or the good foannpt eraeepctua rbo u. ofan.eflate, evil and good are meant in the highefrrdegree ; As rorilitia, when Chrift faith, Mat. 26. 38. My Soul is exceeding heavy, or ex- er,, ceedingfrrotvful, even untodeath that is, I amin the loweft deeps offorrow : forrow untodeath is farrow within one freeor degree of death. Myfoul isforrowful, there canbe no_forrow..but in the Soul ; the Body (take it as a diftind from the Soul) is not capable of forrow: forrow is a paffion or an affetion of the Soul, an af- fe6tionof the mind,and therefore all forrow is feated in the mind; yet when our Lord Chrift faith, My Soul is exceeding, forrówful, It is far more then to have faid, there is forrow or exceedingmuch forrow in my Soul. So here, this phrafe, To biro that is bitter in Soul, or whole Soul is bitter, Notes the mofe bitterand grievous. forrow.. When the Pfalmift would let forth the great forrow of jofeph -in prifon, Pfal. 105. 18. One Translation faith, that the iron entredinto bis Soul, and the Hebrew, word for word,is this, hisSoul came into iron_: We know the Soul is fo pure and fpiri- tuai that iron cannot enter it ; We know thatonly theBody can be boundwith chains : The Soul could quickly flip from themolt watchful keeper, and break out from the fi;ro»geft irons, were it not tokeep company with theBody. Whereas then it is faid, his Seul came into irons, it is onely to fhew, that Jofeph was under very fore affliaion, even the foreft afllie`rion of the Body. As on the other fide, whenMary laid, My Soul Both magnifie the- Lord,my fpirit rejryceth in God my Saviour. We know, nothingproperly,, canmagnifie the Lord, or rejoyce, but the fpirit or the Soul ; yet when the faith, myfpirit Both rejoyce, this notes a deep, pure, in- ternal, fpiiitual joy, with which the was ravifh'd at that time : And as they who rejoyce in Soul, would even willingly be rid of their bodies, they.are above the body So they whoare bitter in Soul, aredefirous to be rid oftheir bodies ; the body is a burden when the foul is bitter. This bitternefsof foul caufed thofe bitter complaints before, and now thisvehement Expoflulation, Where