Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An xpofition upon the Boakof J OB. Vert. 20. 443 Wherefore is lightgiven to him that is in mifery? Wherefore ? We areapt to think there is no Reafon for that, for which we can fee no Reafon. jobwas in a dark condition, and could not fee the reafon, and therefore almoff concludes there was "none. Whenwe are poled, we think all the world is pofed too. _If we cannot interpret and expound the dealings of God, we think none cap ; nay, in fuchcafes, force are ready to think (at lean to fpeak as if theythought) that God himfelf can fcarce give a good account of them; this wherefore; goes through the Earth, and reaches .Heaven. Tell me Omy friends, {hew me Omy God, Wherefore is lightgiven to him that is inmifery ? Why job, there may be many Reafons, many Anfwers given to this, wherefore a man fhould be inlight, though he be in mifery-e -and why his life fhould be continued, though his foul be in bit- ternefs. What ifGod fhould appear and tell thee, it fhall be thus, and the reafonofit is, becaufe I will have it fo? Is not that there- fore anfwer enough yo any mans wherefore ? The Will of God is reafon enough for man, and ought to be themoft fatisfying rea- fon ; ifGod fay, I will have life remain in a man that is bitter i n Soul, that man fhould fay, Lord it is reafon I fhould, becaufe it is thy pleafure, though it be to,my own trouble. l et it is but feldom that God makes his Will his Reafon, and anfwers by his bare prerogative : He bath often given weighty reafons to this quæry. Firft, the life ofNature is continued, that the life ofGrace maybe increafed. Again, fuch live in futferings, That they may learn obedience by the things which theyfuffer,God teaches us by his Works, as well as by his Word, his dealingsfpeakxo us : And It is as great anall of holinefs tofubmit our felves to the Will ofGod in his Works,, as it is to the Will ofGod in his Word : Another reafon of this wherefore may be this, Godfets up force as patterns to FoJterity ; he therefore gives the light of life to force that are in mifery,to thew that it is no new,nor ftrangething for his Saints to be in darknefs : And what if God doth it to magnifie the ftrength ofhis own power in fupporting, and the fweetnefs of his mercy when he delivers, fuch bitter Souls. Further, obferve, firfr, That The bell things in this world may come to be burthens to us. See here a roan,weary of Light andLife.,--Light; one of themolt ec- celIent creatures "that God made, the molt excellent next to life, Lila yea