Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

(.2-hap. 3 An Expófition upon the Bookof 3 O B. Vert. 2r. 4.4. One thing further, when Job faith, Wherefore is light given,and lifegiven ? The meaning of it is, wherefore is light continued, and wherefore is life continued? for he (peaks ofhitnfelfand others that had light and were alive, and-yet he faith, 'wherefore is light gi- ven ? &c.' From this we may learn, That Every ant of continuanceofgood things to us, is,a'-new ai) or deed of gift to us : Mercy is given, every moment it is enjoyed : not only is a new mercy, and a renewed mercy a new gift, but continued. mercy is a gift and a new gift life is a new gift every hour oftime we live on the Earth ; and glory will be a newgift, every minute of Eternity. we £hall live in Heaven. Which longfor death and it cometh not, and digfor it more then for hid treafures. This 21 .vfrfe loth further explicate who are thebitter-in Soul, even fuch as long for death; when a Soul (from natural princi- ples) finds a'-fweetnefs in death, that=Souris in bitternefs ; Oar affliilion andour mifery is indeed worm-woodand gall, as the Church complains, (Lam. 2. r 9.) when death is as honey, and long'd=fir as the:horsey - comb. There'isrbitternefs in the deathof the body, and vet force are fo bitter in Soul,.thatthey account the very bit, ternèfs ofdeath, fweetnefs ; They fay not as Agag, (r Sam. 15. 32. ) Surely the bitternefs of death ispafi; but O that the fweete nefs ofdeath would come. Tobe rid-offin makesus long for death ipiritually;tabe rid ofpain makes us defire death iaaturally;there- fore he faith, the bitter infeul longfor death. The word which we trauflate f by longing 3. fignificth a very a vehement dëfire, as you know inour tongue, To longfr a thing, fromL14-1 is the highefl and hottefl ailing and defire after a thing. It tigni- mavit, inbia fieth.propexly to gape or to breathe e Hence (by aTrope) it fig= tit, ore ape?'o nifiethfirongChine ; becaufe they who defire a thing much, are tnnùtio faid to gape,óxbteátheafter it : jufi as an hungry man gapes after concupivit, ea- meat, wherefoevet -he fees it, and his mind runs upon it, when he eti7m,t v traff cannot fee it, that is the forceof the word.. Hence alto the word de, patientig%e is ufed in Scripture, to note the fìrong aecings of Faith,and vehe- expeaaione went expedations of hope in God, when the. Soul is' raiiLd up mhelar od- believe the. word of Promife, then it longs after, and r ""t p.oru f n. opens its Mouth wide -, (as it werejtorieceive the thingpromifed. As in Ifa, S. 17. I will wait npoa -the Lord, rohe hides his face from