Verf. - 2a . n a x o ttzoiz upon-The 'BoolZ okof j Chap.,; living will be the end of finning, therefore I long for death that I may :fin no longer. , Secondly, it is lawful to delire death: that we may -have more fill cdmtnunion,with..Chrift the Lord of Lift, I define to be,difjolved, faith Pattl,but:wl y?; not that'he defied eliflolutiori, but that he might be with,Ghrifi,_Phil. i..23. Chxiü is life, and Chi It is our life. It is better to enjoy life, then to live : Howmuch,better then is it, to enjoy Chrift who is life, then to live a To both there we mayrefer that ól the 'Appale, 2Cor. 2. We that are in this 7'abernac égroan,beingb erdeued;they -were burden- ed with furrows, and ;burdened with fins, while theywere in the Tabernacle of the body,yet (faithWit is` not that wewouldbe un- clothed, but clothedupon ; he did-not groan for the grave, .but far glory ; not that hemigl t be unclothed, but clothed With immor- tality ; not barely that;he_might. dye, but that mortality might be [wallowed upoflife.,, Under therenotions we may defire death ; yet with thiscaution, that for the time of it, we refer our felvesto the good.pleafure of God.,; For what the Apofile James (peaks of the ordinate defires and abfolute refoLves of worldly men, ;about gaining in that or t'otherCity; isby allufion applyable to thefe;fpiritual greedy mer- chants, after heavenlyglory, Chap. 4. 13. Go to nowye thatfay, to day ar to morrow wewill go intofetch aCity, and continue there gyear, and buy and fill, and get gain, &c. For that ye ought to fay, ifthe Lord will. ,So _I may fay, go to now, Ire that fay, to day or tó morrowwewould dye, (for to dye, to us.irgain, Phil. 1,.21. and go to that heavenly City, that City having foundations, whofe builder and maker is God,and continuethere fur, ever, taking in and enriching our (elves with that glory which Chrift hath bought : for thatye ought tofay, when the Lordwill, or now if the Lordwill. (Jn.fuch conditionsas thcfe, andwith this caution, we may defile death, yea long for death. but to long for death, only, to be rid of the troublesofthis life, to á lie down to Ileep in the bed of the grave, only to cafe our flefh, and,reft our outward man, is finful. The Apofl;le faith, (Ails 20. 24.) I count not my life dear fo I mayfinifh my courfe withjoy ; But we (hall account our lives too cheap, if we fearto tinifh our courfe with forrow ; If we think that it is not worth rj .c,yjh.ile tolive, ur lefs we live in outward comforts; we exceed- ongly ur:dervalrue our lives, when a crois in our lives makes us weary