Chap. 3. An Expofition upon theBoak if J p.B.- Vest. 21. 453 Mich. 7. 3.) with both bands greedily. Todo a thing with bctb bands, notes' the 'greaten endeavour : As when the Pbarifees are laid not to touch the burdens which they laid on others with their little finger, it notes their refufal of the leaft endeavour, Muth. 23. 4. So a fpiritual heart, having his defires 'turned heaven- ward, he digs for heavenly treafure every day, and gives dilig,ence to ma't'e his calling and .EleCiiosfúre.They who have firong de fires after Chrift,labour ftrongly after (Thrift. So they are expren, {Pro; 2. 4.)-where Solomon fpeaks ofw'ifdom, which is Chrsft, and all that is Chril}s, If thouf,eekeft her asfrlver, and fearchefi for her as for hid treafares:Such is the fèarch and endeavour that ought to be, after Chrift, andfich it will be ifthere be true and great defiles after Chritt. Thirdly,. In that he faith, They digfor it as for bid trenlùre,we may obferve, .7'bat the befi things are bare/ell to come by._ If you twill. have treafures,you mutt digfor them ;you may have pibble ltot;cs,fliuts, above ground,..but treafùres lye deep:and,in proportion-,the bettef» every thing is, the more digging it requireth;aud' thebelt things. ought to bemolt dig'd for. They that will have the great bleftìng, mull wreftle for it,or the Crown,they-muff strive for it : We mutt dig for heavenly hidden treafure before we have it ; ánd yet both the treafure,and the ftrcng_th todig forit,are freely given.Fourth- ly obferve, That, Thofe things which we efieem mojt, me, labour to fecure It is Paid that they dig'd for treafures, and that the treafures we're hid. 1 told You in opening the words, there is a natural hiding of treafure, and an industrious hiding. Take it in the last fence.; men"that have treafures will labour to prefcrve them, why ? b eaule treafures are much elleemed, and the things we clIcent molt, we preferve mot-Lin-the 11; brew, the-word., th_t-lignifies a trefure, lignifies the hiding of treafure, or hidden treafure. "A- mong all treafures, fpiritual treafuresare moll hidden ; they,are ' fo hidden that they are called mifleries or feçrets?The knowledge ofChrift was ahidden treafure for forne thoufànds' of years ; the Apofile in his time calls it, the miflery which was IZF:pt f cret finte the world began, Rom. i6. 25. Again he calls it, the n'if 'o ve of God in a milicry, even the hidden miJdoin- which God re- clained- before the world unto our glory, Which none' oft be Prin- cer ofthis worldknew, 1, Car. -2, 8, 9, And as fpiritual know- ledge