Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

454 Úerf.22. An_Expofition upon the Book, of J O B. Chap 3, ledge foour fpiritual life, is called a hidden life, _Tour life it hid- , den with God in Ghriji, Col. 3..3. And as our life, fo our fpiritual comforts are hidden, therefore called Hidden Manna, Rev. 2.17. All our fpiritual ciliate is treafure, and it is all hidden treafure, fo hidden that the Saints find it, and when they have ..found it, they hide it, as Christ Ihews us (Mat. 43.44.) fpeaking of the Kingdome of Gol,which he compares to a treafure hidin the field, the which when he bath found, he hideth : He hideth it, not toobfcure it from the light,but to obfcure it from danger.frla- ry hid thofe _pr_cious fayings ofChrist her.Son,and her Saviour in her heart, Luke 2. 51. And David having found the .Command- ments of God, which he priz'd above any treafure, above thou- ands ofGold and Silver,he hid them in his heart:Thy word(faith he) have I hid inmy heart,, that I might not fin againft thee, Pfal. 119. II. .Vert. 22. Which rejoyce exceedingly; and are glad when they can find thegrave. Having faid, that they longfor death, and digforit as for biddtn treafure : Now fuppofing, that they find death, he thews haw it affei s them, they rejoyce exceedingly and are glad when they can find thegrave.There is little or no obfcurity in t hefe words, only confider the Emphafis of this expreffion : The word which we ipifi tranilate rejoyce; or rejoyce exceedingly, noteth2fuch a rejoycing as negdiutii breaks forth in Come outward gefture,as when aman Roth leap far tsríaia etíam joy : And Mr. Broughton tranilates it thus, which joy till they skip 5ssnit exrcrio- agazn,noting an extraordinary joy & gladnefs when they can find ribut rrodit.a the grave, that is when theydye. Yetfome joyn the Cence of this gefliunt,vel \faE with the former, to carry onor lengthen out thefimilitúde, Præhetitia ec thus; Which long for death, and digfor it as for hid tréajeres : tamuradex- And findingdeath,they arc affLc ed as they who (feeking for trea- 1 , caitarionem. lures) find a grave: for if in digging they did but hit upon a grave, ruf then they thought rhemfèlves fare oftreafure and great riches,be- caufe treafure and great riches was ufed to be put into graves, as was (hewed in opening the fifteenth verCe of this Chapter. The f .nce is fair,and comes up to the fame point, froni either ofthefi Expofitions. Obferve hence, tint, That ìr at at one time ivefear nzo 1-, in that at another time we may rejoyce. Death isi earful , and the grave is a place of