Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An Expofition upon theBook tof J o'B. Verl422. of darknefs,"yet here is joy and rejoyceing, yea exceeding joy and rejoycing when they find the grave. Secondiy,They rejoyce in it, but why ? It was that which they had longed for,that which they had long fought for : ifat another time they had been (hewed theg.rave,or commanded- into thegrave, they would have taken little pleafute in it.The fame thing iirtfi t-- ed or threatned by another is dreadful to us,which defired by our Pelves is pleafant and delightful : It pleafeth us to have our defire fatistied,though the thingdefired be never fo unpleafant : And to be eafed ofprefent evil,makes a future evil appear in likenefs of a prefent good. -For Joy is an affedión of the - mind,' arifiug from the apprehenfionofTome-prefent good, even as hope fprings from the apprehenfionofforce good that is to-come. Further, We may confider the iffut of all thefe as ;after they had longed fordeath, and digged fordeath, and found death,pre- fently upon the finding pfit, they rejoyce; and rejoyce exceeding-, ly, Hence obferve , that which any one truly defiretb and endeavoureth to find, can= feth him o rejoyce when hebathfound it. Ifyou delire death , and feelt.for the grave,the findingof thefe will Leto you as life;and as a houle ofmirth Howmuch more then (hall we rejoyce, having found good things,thebeli things after carnet} longing &digging for them..Whenthe wifeMerchant had found the treafure hid in the field, the next words inform us of joy, vIat.. a.3 --44. When the man after long feekingon the Mountains had found his loft Sheep; and. the Woman,after lighting hercandle,andfweepiug her houfè, - and dilligent fearch,had"found the lof!-groat ,the yboth rejoyc'd,and called in their neighbours and friendstcw rejoyce with them, (Lu.k, a 5.)It troubles a man to-be found of that, or him,whom he hates- or fears..; Haft thoufoundme 0mine enemy ? faith Ahat toEliab, a King. 21. -20. And it cannot but delight us,to find that,or him, whom we love and long for.Have Ifqund°thee 0 my friend ? will filch an one fay,And ifa miferable man.rejoyces exceedingly when defiring he finds death and a grave,how will the foul leap for joy, whenwe fhall find him who is the longing and defiï e of all_Nati- ons , Jefiar Chrift ? How exceeding will the foul re- joyce, when we (hall find what We have fo musli longed for, not death, but life, and lifenot only in Chrif}, but with Chrif} ; -when we (hall find not thehoufe of the grave, but a houfè of glory, and glpryin the height,anexc : ed"ingc4Elling Iu e- "xcclleutweld ,r, ofglory. A ;d