Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap.3. ,fin Expofition upon the Book of J `O B. Verf,23. 457 B 3. 23, 24, 15, 26. why is light given toman, whole way k hid, and whom -God bath hedged in ? For my feghing eometh before Ieat, and my roaring! are poured nut like the waters. For the thing which Igreatly feared is come upon me, and that which I wasafraidof k come unto me. Iwas not infafety, neither hadI refl, neither was I quiets yet trouble came. T the twentieth Verle ofthis Chapter, job begins to expo- fìulate concerning the continuance ofhis life ; and he calls his complaint into an Argument, whichwas formed to his pur- pole, thus.There is no reaton,or ifthere be,thewwe a reason, why his life is continued,that liveth miferably,and would die willingly; But I am the man who live miserably , and would die willingly,a Therefore why is light or life continued untome ? The former part of this. Argument is contained in the :2o,2I,22,23,Verfes. In which jobdenonfirates,that there is no Reafon,or at least if there be a reafon , it is fuch, as he could not make out, why that man Mould havehis life continued who lives in mifery , and is willing todye.Three of tholeverfes we have already finithed, and there re- tnaineth verf. 23. (`which is a part of the fame Reafon) to be yet opened. In this 23 verfe, he ( as it were ) repeats his Argument ; He had laid before, -Why is light given to him that is in mifery ? &c. and fo he doth in the two Verfes following: In this 23 verfe he re-inforceth what he had laid inother wo ds,Why it light given to a man whofe way is hid, and whom God loath hedged in ? He doubleth his call for a Rea fon or proofof this thing. Why is light gh en ? ) Thole words are not here exprefly in the Hebrew, but they are fu.pplied by our Tranflators,and by Tranfla- tors in other Languages, from the twentieth verfe, to make up the fence. The Original' runs thus , To a man whole way is hid , and whom God bath hedgedin: But the queftionis implyed as in the former, and here tobe prefixed, Why is light given to a,nan 'N n n whofe