Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Çháp.3:, An Expofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf.a3,,. Firit, In regard of the caufe ofhis áliaion; It was hidden from him, why God had layd Co fore and tó heavya burden upon him; and that is it which Elihu in the 34 of this Book,verf.3j,3,a, hints_ at, wherehe telleth fob, Surely ( faith he) it is meet to be fa,id. unto God, that which' Ifée not, teach thoume. He anfwers fuch a. complaint as this, I (faith job) cannot fee the Reafon why God, Both afrliet me ; Elihu tells hire , It it meet to belaidunto God,, that which 1. Jèe not,teacb thou me, and if' havedone iniquity, I will dojo no more ; Lord if thou wilt thewme that my fin is the caute, and what tin is the caute, I do here promife I willlay down my fin, and (through thy help) do fono more.. :,nt qui Tian- Or again, 1 t was hidden in regard of the ifí:ue.or event , My" .arrant vial way is hid, that is, I can fee no ala e out of this way; I cannot e.'.tlenacru. p g tell when thefe troubles will end, I fee no help,_I have no glimpfO oflight breaking out to me in this way, it is a dark, a hidden way unto me': This darknefs troubles himas much as.all.his troubles. And it is, as if he had laid, I:am fo encompaít with clouds, that I walk in darknefs, and fee no light ; My life is Co entangled and wrapt up in troubles , that I fee no way of deliverance,or of cape. And this Expofition Teems mots proper, ifwe take in the latter part of the Verfe, where he faith., and whom God bathhedged in Thiseaplaius the hiding ofhis way,to be the hedging of his way, loch an encompatiing ofhim about with forrowes, that he could not make his way ou-. In the lirft Chapter , you may remember that Satan was much troubled that God had.rnade a .hedg about Job-, and now job him. fell is much troubled,that God had made a hedg about him : Lam the man,faith he, whom God bathhedged in. That which before was the object ofSatans envy, is now become the objeft of jobs complaint, a hedg.: Sure then it was not the fame hedg. No, that which Satan complainedof, and envyed at, was a hedg of mercy, and a.hedg ofbleflings , a hedg of favorand ofproteLtion : But this which job complaineth o£, is a hedg ofthorny troubles, and e. of pricking forrows: the former was (as wmay fpeak) a.bedgof Rotes, and this was a hedg ofBryars. That was a hedg fo high and strong, that no evilcould come in, to, or break through to annoy him.; and this was a hedg fo high and lirong, that no good could come or be brought (into him... So then,take the fence thus , Why is light given to a man ,vhofe way