Expoltion tc74,ty. the Bookof J O B. Ve 12z,. way io hid, and whomGodbath ï;edged iri ? that is, why Both God continuemy life, when I am in f_ ch a condition, as. that I can nei- ther difcover the Reafon why I came into it, nor am I able to dii cover any paffage out ofit. And this is it which the Church complains of,Lam.3.7, He bath hedgedme about that I cannot get oat : and verf9. He loath enclo ed my.wayes with hewen-Jtones ; God had built up a wall, as it were, byart, with-hewen!tones, he had let them fo dole together,. that there was no palling by., no getting through. Obferve hence, firft, That ofifiion is ufually accompanied with much- darknefs. Af flidion is often-called darknefs in Scripture and as it is darknefs, without, fo it often caufeth darknefs-within. Anaflli fed perfon hath fuch darknefs upon his:perfon, that hecannot-difcern, many times, either why God loth affliEt him, or when God will make au _end ofhis afit.ions. That in the Prophet , 5o. Cc). is true ofoutward atflierions, as well as inward , Who is there among, you thatfeareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voyce of hisfervant, that walketh in darknefs ? There's many an affliled perfon walks in a way, hidden in a three-fold darknefs. Firft, the way is hid,. in the darknefs ofthe caute for which he came into it. Secondly, the way is hid in the darknefs ofthe event, how to get out ofit, Thirdly, the way is hid in the darknefs ofhis prefent duty,what todö init : theway ofafflidion is often wrapt up and hidden in' this threefold.darknefs. Further, Suing Job.fpeaks ofthis as an addition to all his for- rowes,and as the complementof them all,that he was thus Phut up and hedged in, and that his way was thus dark in regard of the. caufeof it. Obferve, That It increafeth an afiCtion greatly , not to know the reafon ofan afflifion, or to have the wayofGods dealing hidden from our eyes. It is a trouble not to fee the Reafonof things.; The mind is ex- ceedingly eafedwhen the underftanding hath light : This made. Jeremy enquire , Why cloth the way ofthe wicked profper ? As if he had faid , If I could fee the reafon of it, it.would fatistie me,. but while thou keepeft me in the dark., and Ican give no account to my own Soul, or thole that ask me, of this thy difpenfation to wicked men, this is the burden ofmy Soul. . It is ufually laid ,'Fain qui po- They are happy who know the eaufes of things. And in regard of tuft reruns co _ the difeafesofthe body, we fa}, that a dtfCafé. it -halfcured, when nofcero caufos. the N nn Z