;r62 Cfaap:3. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf.23. the caufe of it is difcovered But when a Phyfician is in the dark, and cannot finde out the caute ofa difeafe, he muff needs be in the dark for the remedyofit : So it is alfo with a man in regard ofany afidion , when he cannot find out the caufe, he knoweth not what to pitch upon as a remedy. When Rebekah(Gen.25.22.) had twins in her womb,and they ftrugled together within her,fhe was much troubled, and nothing would fatisfie her, until the went to God to know the Reafon of the thing, Lord (faith (he) why am I thus ? And whenGod had told her, that two Nations were in her womb, and that two manner of peoplefhould befeparatedfrom her bowels, the made no more complaints. So when there are fuch ftrivings, fuch ftruglings and contrary motions oftrouble in us, or about us,the Soul goes to God,and enquires why is it thus ? Lord, I am more troubled with the ignorance ofmy troubles, then with the weight or frnart ofthem. Thirdly , take the words as refpeaing the ¡f lie, or deliverance from trouble,and they afford us this Obfervation, That It is a great addition to an aflillion, not to fee or difcern a way to efcape orget out ofaffliíiion. Tobe in an afflidion out ofwhich there appears no paffage (unlefs the Soul be mightily fupported by the hand and power of Chrift) brings within a ftep of de- Spain The Apoftle fpeaks as much when he faith, (i Cor. i o. a3.) there is no temptation loath taken holdofyou, but that Which ás common to man, (and then it followes) but God is faithful , who will not fuffer you to be tempted above thatyou are able, but will with the temptation alfb male a way to efcape,thatye may be able to bear it. As ifhe (hould fay , if God did not indeed difcover, or make but to you tome way of efcaping, I mutt needs fay, you were never able to bear it, but (faith he) God will make a way f cryou to efcape , that ye may be able to bear it ; Mea rung , that the opening of this way would revive their fpirits, and then they would be able ( through the ftrength of Chrift) to bear it. It fo, then how fnall the Soul bear anafflicion, when God, in- Itead of making a way to efcape, doth as it were make an hedg to flop all efcape ? Therefore when the Lord would fupport his peo- ple in their troubles, he promifed that they fhould have a door of hope opened to them , I will give her the valley of Achorf:r a door ofhope, Hojea 2. 15. He would give her force appearance,, force glirr.:pfes and openings of deli`lrerance, in and from their pre- fënt