Chap.3, 1 1n Expoftionupon the Book,of J O B. V rf23. 46à? feat dangers. It is Threatened(Deut.28.25.) Thou Jhalt come out one way againft thine enemies, andfyJéven wayes before they flíould fly Many wayes, but they fhould efcape no way. Thou Jhalt come out one way,andfyfeven ways,that is,thou !halt try this, Tentabr, fcri- and that , and every way to efcape, but thou (halt find a hedg per diverfis at every wayes end to flopand hinder thy efcape. We ufe to fay of viii (fugere,. a man in a diftrefl'ed condition, He is in a wood, or in a ínilderneJ.r. f edfruJlra,nu(- And when God entangles men in their own devices, it is fàid, Re qoi n tthi P,t1. ' póureth contempt upon Princes,. andcaufeth themto wander in the bite '4gí"0. wildernefs, where there is no way, Pfal.1o7.4o. So Pharaoh fain of the children oflfrael, They are entangledin the Land, the wilder- nefs bath flout them in, Exod. 14.3 -. And when a people are as the children of Ifrael were , having a Sea before them, an Army behind them, and Mountains oneither hand; Then they may fay (as job did)their wages hid,and God bathhedged them in,, For my fighing cometh before I eat, andmy roarings are poured out like water. - Here Job takes up the former .propoftion, and applies it parti- cularly to his own perfon.Before,hePaid onely in the general, Why is lightgiven to him that is in mifery,and why is lightgiven to aman whof'e way is hid,andwhom Godhath hedged in ?. Now he faith in effef , it is thus withie, Iam a man in mifery , and I am aman whole way God hath hid and hedged in , wherefore then is my life continued`? And he proves that he was in fuch a condition, by the effeecsof it, fighs and roarings. So that this Verle holds forth two thingsabout jobs forrow. Firft, the; continuance ofit, in thofe words, Myfighing comes before Ieat. Secondly, Theex- tremityofit, in thofe, My roarings arepoured out, &c. The Ar- gument may be thus framed , That man is in extream and conti- nual mifery, who- doth not fo much breath,as fish; who, when. hewould fpeak,is forced to roar t But thus it is with me, l y figh- ing coYneth, before. Ieat, andmy roarings are poured out, like water, thereforemy,mifery is extream and continual. My fighing cometh before I eat.) In the Hebrew ít -is word for word thus , before .thefaee ofmy 'bread myfghings come... Which. Hebrai,frn (before theface of my bread) hath a great empialis in it. It notes the continuance ofhis färrowes without any interrrif- fïon ; When a thing is Paid to be b fere theface ofanother, iC notes an,