Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

+64 Ohap.3 An Expofition upon the Bookóf J O B. Verf:2.}. an equal continuance with that , before the face of which,it is faid ,P,1;;t1,1:t`? tobe. As in the negative (Exod. 20.3.) Thoufhalt have na other _Is ?Flì rvrcy gods before me, fo we tranflateit; the He retor is , Thou . fhalt have u 1g .r no other gods before myface, that is, Co long, as I continue to be thy ¿?Plot a. *God, thou (halt have no other god ; but -I Mail be thy. God : to all Eternity, therefore thou (halt have no -other gods but me for e- ver. SD in-the Affirmative, Pfaí.72.5. where under the type ofSo- lamons-Kingdome, the continuanceof the Kingdome of Chrift is prophefed, the Holy Ghofi faith, It(hall continuefo lbngasshe Sun andMoon endured); the Hebrew is, It (hall continue before the face of the Sun and of the Moon, that is , there (hall bean equal duration of the Kingdom ofChrift,andtof thofe Lights`ofHeaven, the Sun and the Moon: The Kingdome of Chrift (hall Tall as long as-theWorld (hall tall. So then (according to this fence) before theface ofmy breadmy fighings come, is, as-ifhe had laid, look how long I have my bread before me , look howmuch time I fpend ineating, fo much time I Upend in Gghing, my forrowings are of the fame continuance ADeoperyetua with my refrehings. The phrafe imports the un- intermittednefs ëfl hæc bra- (as we may -fo fpeak) of his forrows : that he had no flop ,no tar, ut ne cibi breathing time, which was not a fghing time, no not for a ïneal- qri;iem ant ut- time ; while he was eating, . with every bit of meat he had a mor- wia4rnecélitstis ai of Corrows: He might fay, as the- Pfalmift, (Pfal:aoz.O.) I could faller, faüsre n have eaten afhes like e bread and min , g led drip k. g with weeping; j>iftuz a uno mdnnen- when I drink, my tears flow into iriy cup : When I take in a .few to àgemitibsu drops of comforts, I weep out ftreams.offorrow : Or my fighings aberrare. Vol come and return fo fall upon me, that I have no time motfce,gtgete bread : I am' foplied and followed with thefe afi6tions, 'that I cup ur vex mi_ have no 1c 1iire to be comforted. :hi tempos fu- Ifat any time a man gets rcfpite from his grief, it is when he perfrtadeapi eats; how refpitelefs then was job: grief, before whom forrow endumczliurt. 5,nd fighings fat (as guefts),continually at his Table! My roaring: are poured out ivatcr. As the former words (hewed the.eontinuance, Co this the extre- tretnityofjobs-forrows.- I t is a great affliction that makes rfpiritfpeak, or complain : It is a greateratíDidion that makesa man of fpirit weep or mourn. How great affliction then is it, makes a man of fpirit cry out and roar ? when a man of ge roars, he is pained to pu.rpofe. job a man-of fpixit and courage