Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An Expofition uponthe BookofJ O B. Verf. 25. 465 ----- courage,doth not only figh,but roar:Sighings are more fecret for- rows, but roarings muff be heard, efpecially his roarings which werepoured out like mater. Roaring is ithe Lions voyce,and here is an allufion to the hungry Metaphoto a Lion , roaring on his prey ; or to the troubled waves of the Seas Leonibm fa- which alto are Paid to roar. Exceflive furrow,is often -fet forth by Vfaic3 4 roaring, Pfal.22.a. Why art thou Jó far from ehe,vo èe of my roar- fta1. q.6.3. ing?faith David,typing the forrowsofChrifi: I donot only cry,but I roar out unto thee,Lord,why dolt thou not hear my ftrong cries? cries like the roaring of the Lion, or the node of troubled waters. SoPfal. 32. 3. David, to Phew his extremity ofpain and trouble while he kept in, and did not confels his fin (peaks thus, While I kept filence ( while Í (Mothered my fin in ferret) I roa,'edfor the very difquietnere of my Soul : Silence in not confefliug fin, caufës roaring under the guilt offin. Thofe are great burdens offin,and great burdens of forrow, that caufe roaring. My roaring: are poured out like water. This notesfurther yet,the abundance and the firengthofhisfur- rows. lampouredout like water, (I am,as it were, all melted into forrows)is faidof Chriffin that Pfalm ofMs pafìion,(Pfal.2z,. Iam pouredout likewater , my heart in the midst of my bowels is like melted Wax.When the Prophet Ezekiel would Phew how that people should beaffected with the tydingsoftheir afiiidions, he faith, Every heart fBall melt, and all hands (hall be feeble, and every ftpirit(hall faint,andall knees(hall be weak as water,(Chap. I4,adea vraeti, 21.7.) the Hebrew is,all knees 'hallgo into water. The furrows of Piatst. repentance arc expreft by thepouringout ofwater,to note both the abundance ofthem, and the intenfivencfs ofthem, in that known place,a Sam.7.6.Theygathered together to Mizpeh,and drewwater, andpoured it out before the Lord, that is,they mourned abundantly, and they mourned with all their firength. How Itrong and abundant the forrowsof lob were, hath been often [hewed before, and Observations drawn down from them; and therefore I (hail need do no more then clear the words , and give the fence. It followeth For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraidof is come Unto me. For the thing which I greatly feared, ] The casual particle 0 oo in