466 Vert 25. An Expofi ion upon the Bookof J O B. Chap.3. in the beginning, doth not alway infer a caufe : this Verfe is not a- Parricuta Reafon et what he fpake before : But this Particle isoften ufed in: ; u I r. dd Scripture for affirmation or illuflration, and not as carnal, or by jamfedwet or- way of demontlration : As job. q.. 17. Chrifl tells thewoman of ra'ur vet ale- Samaria, Thou fpeakeff well, I have no husband; the Greek is, verarieniü eau- for Ihave no husband: We tranflate it only by way of aflertion, faadliibuur So Mat. 23. Then will I profefs unto then ,, 'never- knew you ;. the Greek is , then I will profefs unto them , for I never knew you ; we render it only as an affeveration. So very frequent in the Hebrew, the particle [Chi] which is here ufed, hath in it only. the force of an affirmation , For the. thing $. greatly.feared , it come upon me, that is , certainly or affuredly the thing which' I greatly feared it come upon me ; as if Job fhould make this as the conclúfion and the rum of all his complainings ; this is it- which now I. mull conclude, that the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me , and that. which I was afraid of is come unto, me. -,, ¶he' thing which 1 greatlyfeared.] The Hebrew is, I feareyl a ,íí`1i1 fear, and it is come upon. me. And fo fear is in the Scriptuee fre- leruereme uentì put the thing eared by Metonimy e ea for rpm ita dieitur q Y P g f > Y a Y ofthe- uc g.audere the caufe, the abflraó being put for the concrete ; as Prov. i. 26e' gaa ii.m,pug- I.will mock, when your fear cometh,that is,when the trouble which Hare'l:gtam, you feared fhall comeupon you :.. As if yob fhould have faid,This i0PP evil is that which I.have fore-teen and fore-thought ;. I had filch r.'se Druf, misgivings in my fpirat long before .this , that filch a black day might come upon me,and I might be thus hedged in,now I fee my thoughtsare come topafs,and my conjeturesprove true,the thing which I feared, and greatly feared,is comeupon me. We tranflate well,Igreatly feared; the Hebrew is,Ifeared afear ; Such e.preff (ions raife the fenc.e:As when we are faid:to bebought with apricer; it notes that there was agreat price paid for our Redemption : to reJoyce with joy,fhews the greatnefsof joy..So here,Tofear afear, thews that he was in a great fear,as we trantlate, Ifeareda fear, -I greatly feared. II1 Here it maybe queflioned,whether..thefe fearsofJab were law fill. Doth it become us to have fuch mifgivings of heart,in refpet ofour outward condition ? The Ap.oftle biddeth us, be careful in nothing, ( Phil. 4.6.) and was it a vertue or agrace, was itcom- mendable, orfo much as approveablc in Job, to be fearful in all tbin,gs ? Ghrift rch ekes his. Difciples, becaule they were afraid in a c..