Chap. 4. AnExpofition upon the BookofJ OB. Verf.. 25. 467 a form s and was it well inJob,that he was fearful in a Sun -thine, when he had the fairefl weather,and profpered in all things?both it become a godly man, to be alwayes folicitous about his crate, and doubting that troubles will come ? One would think there is trouble enough, in troubles, when they corne, a man thould not trouble himfelfwith thembefore they corne. Befides, it is faid, Pray.' o44.. refpe ±ing wicked men,that Godwill bring that which they fear upon them; fo that it feemeth God is angry with thofe who are alwayes fearing, or hand poring upon fuch and fuch evils as they fear may come upon them;to thefe God faith,(Ifai.66.3.) J alfo will choofe their delufions , and I will bring their fear upon them s becaufe you feared there things, you (hall have your fear : As God gives fome their prayers in anger, fohe gives many their fears in anger and it is as great a fin,inordinately to fear,that God will takeaway the meat ofour necellity or convenience, as it is to pray that God would giveus meat to fatisfie our lulls or wanton- nefs. To clear this, we mull diftinguifh of fear as to thepurpofe we have in hand. There are divers forts of fear. Firft, There is a fearof wifdom and caution, and there is a fear of torment and vexation. That which the Apoflie John fpeaks, (z Joh.4.i8.) fear loath torment, is not meant of all fear : there is a fear that is a tormenting paillon , a fear which diftrads or divides the thoughts about troubles which may come ; and there is a fear which onlydiref,}s us to avoid or prevent the coming of trouble. Secondly, There is a fear which is oppofed to fecurity, and there is a fear which is oppofed to comfort. It wasDavid's fin, that he wanted the fear oppofed to fecurity, when he faid , In my profperity I (halt never be moved : Lord, by thy favour, thou haft made my mountain to fraud ftrong, Pfäl. 3o. 6, 7. The fear of lob in hisprofperity was oppofed to this fecurity ; he did not fay I (halt never be moved, he thought he might be moved : the fa- vour of God hadmade his mountain fárong, yet he knew it had but the ftrengthofclay, and therefore might be call down. This was his fears he lookt upon creatures, as they are, mutable and moveable. Chrift fpeaks -of a faith of miracles, which will re- move mountains ; and that fear is not contrary to faving faith, which caufethus to think that our mountains may be removed. Job's fear was grounded on the uncertaintyof creature comforts s 0 oo2 he