46S veil: 25. An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Chap.3. he knew wealth was brittle maro , and might quickly receive a crack. This fear we ought to carry about us,in regard of our fpi. ritual eftates'alfo ; though grace be everlafting ware, though we are high-built, and full-grown in grace, though through the fa- vour of God our mountain of holinefs and of comforts be very firong,yet we mull not be fecure;though we arehigh-built,yet we mull not be high- minded. Hence the Apof{lePaul warns the belie- ving Gentiles,that they fhould fear: I grant,ye are in a good eiaté_ in comparifonof the Jews, theyare calf off, ye are graffed in ; yet Aom,'L2o> let me give you this caution, be net high-minded, but fear, That fear which is oppofed to prefumptionand fecurity, isa good and neceffary fear in the heft ofour eftate, whether in grace or nature, whether in worldly or heavenly riches. And fuchwas the fear of. gob. Thirdly , There is a fear which makes us provide foran evil day, and there is a fear which hindrethusfrom enjoying the corn- farts of a goodday. The former was in Job ; doubtlefs his fear in good days made him diligent to provide for the evil day ;,. As it is fai.dofNoah, (Heb. a.1. '.),That Noah beingwarned of Godof things notfeen as 3 et, throughfaith, movedwith fear,prepared an Arlo,for the raving of his boufe : Noah knew the Flood would cone , this holy fear fet him awork to providean Ark. . It is an argutnent both of wifilom and of grace, in a calm, to prepare for aflorin ; in peace, to confider what todo in a time of War ; in health , to lay up thoughtsabout our ficknefs ; and in .a_: day when the light of Gods countenance fhines into our hearts, and we walk in the cotnforts of the Holy Ghoft, then 'to. think,a night ofdefertion may come ; and what ¡hall l do, if I fhould walk in darknefs,, and fee no light ? Such, as this was the fear which lob feared; tourrhly,, There'is a fear which makes us diftruft God-that he will afar us,anrd there is a fear whichkeepeth us from doing that which may provoke God to afllit us this was yob's fear, as Was (hewed, (Chap.i.v.i.) He fearedGod,and efchewedevil : He was loth to grieve and offend God , or to give him any occafron.to be angry. Laftly, There is a fear which is oppofed to hardnefs of heart, and, a fear that is oppofed to courage of heart. job's fear was op ppfed to hardnefs of heart; of this Solomon fpeaks, (Prov. 28. a.4..) Welled it the man that feareth alwayes. And to clear what fear.