Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap, 3, An Expafitien upon the Book of J O B. Ver$ "25. 469 fear he means, he adds in the next words, But he that bardenetb his heart íhall fall intó mifchief. Where we fee, firft, that there is a fear oppofed to hardnefs of heart ; and fecondly , that to fear alwayes, even in our greateft profperity, is not only our duty,. but our happinefs : that fear will not interrupt our comforts, but comfort us. Yea, this fear doth not only confift with comfort, but with courage;and thoughwe may fall into the troubles which we thus fear, yet we shall not fall under them : Such as this was yob's fear. So then, to také up all ; job's fear was a fear of wifdom and . caution, not of torment andvexation ; a fear oppofèd to fecuri- ty and prefumption,not to joy and confolation ; a fear that made him diligent to prepare againft an evil day, not a fear that did eat out all the comforts of a good day ; a fear which kept flim fromdoing that whichmight move God to afflict him, not a fear whichmade him diftruft that God would afrid him ; a fear op- poled to hardnefs of heart , not a fear oppofed to courage and ffrength 6f heart. Such a fear as this is a holy fear,- fùch a fear as this is a good companion in our bell eflate: This fear and our comforts may well joyn together; this fear will not trouble, but regulate our lives, not break, but fweeten our sleep. Obferve hence, That holy wifdom, fanElified prudence, biddeth us fear and prepare for evil in our good dayes, hwas afraidof there things, faith Job : We muff not fufped, but we ought often to think of evils before they come. A wife moral man, much more a wife Soriérriao1L_ Chriftian, while he is earnefily praying for good, is all() carefully Jdeur óa providing for evil. Left the Difciples thould forget trouble in ex,e_ times of peace, Chrift faith to them, Behold (Matth. 24.. 25.) I Fatiore. ur. have told you before ; Now you are at pretty good cafe, it may be do rarquil you think it will be thus with you alwayes, but take heed of inch thoughts, I have told, you what will be hereafter; Behold l .Lave told you before. And again, (John id. 33. ) Thefe things have I fpokenunto you, that in me ye might have peace : in the world ye fhaIl have tribulation : In the peace we have with Chrift, we.- fhould expet tribulation from the world. The Sl_itit of God of- ten hints fuch things afore-hand to the fpirits of í,is people, that theymay not be furprized : Paul teCtifies, (Aäs z . 23.) That the Holy Ghoft every where rcitneffed teat bonds and afjfihiions didabide him : He look'd for trouble in -all places , this midehim bath