Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

470 verf. 2;5. AnExpofition upon the BookofJ O B. L both patient under, and victorious over all his troubles. ungodly then feel trouble before they fee it , and are often pall all hope be- fore they have had any fear ; when they have agood day, they think their day will be an eternity,and lad for ever. Thofe in A- mos, (Chap.6.3.) were merry,they were tinging and feafiing, eat- ing the fat, and drinking the Tweet ; and what do they in thefe their good , their only good dayes ? The Prophet-thews us in the next words,They put the evil day, farfrom them : they wouldhave no thought that their eífate might change, when theyhad a mind their eflate Mould continue: Hence the.Prophet Ifay, (Chap.28. I 5.) defcribes them, makinga Covenant with death, and coming to an agreement with Hell ; and then. they fuppofed themfeives fafe, and under covert, come what would. TheProphets indeed have been talkingofjudgments and fcourges ; but what of that? we have got a proteëfion, we have Covenants in our pockets will be our fecurity, fo they were promifed, and fo they believed, as their words w-itnefs; If the overflowing fcourgefhallpafsthrough,. itfhall,not come near us. Thefe are the thoughts offoolifh and un- godly men, they make bargains and agreements, as it were, with all troubles,that they (hall not be touched ; others may fmart, but they have takenorder for their own indemnity : They have made lyes their refuge, andunder falfhood have theyhid themfelves : And fo they call chearfully for their wine, Come fetch Wine, and we will fill our (elves with (trong drink,; and thenconclude confi- dently ( as if all the world and timewere at their command) To morrow /hall be as this day, andmuch more abundant, Ifai. 56. 12. When a wife man falleth into trouble, he falleth forward, that is, he falleth into thofe troubles which he did fore -fee ; but when an ungodly man, awicked man falleth into trouble, he faller) back- ward, he falleth into thofe evils which he never thought of, much lefs feared. Many of the people of God at this day do and may fay of the evils which are now upon us, the things which we feared are come; thefe forms were feen long ago in the Clouds,. yea in the Sun-thine , in fair dayes , thefe foul rainy dayes were fore-teen ; and they who have fore-feen them , and fore-feen them with filch an eye of faith and holy fear as we have defcri-,. bed , are in belt café to graple with them, and will begainers by them. It is well for us, when we can fay,the things we feared are come upon us : they are in a fad condition upon whom thofe evils fall, which they never feared : When troubles come, they go