472 Vegl: -z6. An Expofition upon the Bookof 1'0 B. Chap.3. when theyare coming upon her,fhePhan be faying,I'fit a a , uee; and,/hall fe no forrow ; the was fearlefs, and the thall be comtòrt- lets : trouble will lie heavy enough upon us, when we look-and prepare for it ; but it will be intollerable to thole who never lookt for,nor laid in one thought ofpreparation againfi its coming. The --tool in the Gofpel faid to his Soul , take thine eafe, thou haft goods laidup for many years .: But it is bell for us, when we have abun- dance of outward goods, to fay to our Souls, thefe maybe loft in a fern' hours: therefore fay to thy felf in the time ofthy fulnefs,What ifa day ofemptying [hould come ? Say when you are rich, It array be before I dye I may be poor,what [hall I do then ? Now I have a lionf,it may be before I dye,or within a few days I [hall be turn- - ed out ofdoors, in what pofiure do I find my felf for fucha condi- tion ? Now I amat liberty,and enjoy my friends,it May be shortly J may be call into aprifòn , and come into the hand of enemies :Now Ihave my wife and children about me, myvine andmy olive- plants at and round about my table I may fhortly be deprived of' them,and Omy Soul,how cana thoubear thefe changes?it isgood to put there cafes to our felves now ; Cutely Job often tutour'd his fpirit with fuch quefiions as thefe,and cateehifedhis heart in them from day to day ; hence he faith,Tbe thingsIfearedare come upon me. To proceed, Iwas not infafety, neither had I reff, nor was Iquiet, yet trouble came. This is both an addition to, and an expofitionof the former erfe: thefe words explain what he meant by faying,! fearedafear, even this, l was not in fafety, neither had I reff, &c. Iwas not in fafety. J No ? was not Job in fafety in thedays of his profperity ? Is it not Paid, that be hada hedge about him, and fueb a hedge as the Devil could not break through to burt him; and 7111IYU Iii1 was not Yob in fafety then? . i wants?at in The Hebrew ord from the root EShalah) doth allo fgnifie,l /UIO1ti 1 rpan was not fecure,I was not in fecurity,or I did not fit Cafe inmy own In !e 6^ in°tie' thoughts,in myown opinion ; I did not live fecurely or without vivero. N c fe-ar in mymoll flourifhingdays, And from this root,Chrrff is called rruirus; abirdit Shiloh, Gen.A.9. so. The Scepterfhall not departfrom Judah till a voceHebr.ea Shiloh-come. .Ghriff is Shiloh, that is; hein whom all perlons may lecuiel truth : you may fit I4folierin, -fa. } down in fafety in Chriíi, and refl. your -22.2.6. Souls for ever, he is Shiloh, our Preferver ; and'the Hebrews ufe that