Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An Expofition upon the Booh,of J O B. Vert. 2.6. 473 that word, to lignifie that flethy mantle in which the Infant is Shiloh non wrapped in the mothers belly,becaúfe the Infant lieth there quiet- Shiio non ly and fecurely, it is out offear, and hath no thought of any dan- frgnificarionene ger, but lieth fecurely, out ofharms way. So that when job faith, po,tvm, guaJt Iwas not in fafety, he means, I did not think my felfíafe, or be- dic ,teanquit- yond the reach of danger, I was not taken up inoutward content- rum falicem , ments : I did not lookupon my poffeflions as perpetuities, or up- onmy houfe as that which thould endure for ever, or my dwelling fQáYQg väm' place to all Generations. job was not like the great Monarchof erian, to shi- Babylon, (Pan. 4. q..) who Paid, I Nebuchadnezzar was at re} lohJa fofpita- inmine &ouf e ; (it is the fame word which is -ufed in the Text) I, ter, feu promi faith Nebuchadnezzar, counted my felf the greateii man in the f urfior. Hari, world, and I thought none could touch or molelt me, I was at reff and fafe : We have filch a defcription made by the Prophet of a whole Nation, as this King makes of his own perfon, jer. 49. 3a. Arife, get ye up. unto the wealthy Nation that dtrelíeth at eafe, or (it is tñe fame word) to a Nation without either fear or care, a fe.cure Nation, as it is explained by the words following, which have ateither Gates nor Barr, which dwell alone. If you come to a mans houfe thathath neither locknor key, nor door,nor bar, you may well refolve, that he dwelleth fecurely, and is in fafety. And if you come to a City that hath neither gates nor bars, you will fay, either this Cityhathno enemies, or elk it fearsnone. A City without gates and bars is the emblemoffecurity. jobs temper was direhly oppofed to this, I was not infafety, neither hadI relt, nor was I quiet. Thefe two latter expreflions are of the fame importance with the former, both dick words have been opened at the thirteenth Verfe ofthis .Chapter ; both being there applied to refl and quiet- nefs in the grave. There he faid,if he had dyed,he had been at refit and quiet : but all his life-time hehad no reft,neither was he quiet. But is thisagreeable to the duty or charaecer of a godly man, to fay,he bath no reft,he is not quiet? Surely a godly man ought to be quiet, when all the World is hudl'd together in confufion ; when the Mountains skip like Lambs, and the little hills like young fheep, then, even then, he ought to ítand like Mount Sion, that cannot be moved : And did it become yob, or is it any part of his commendation,that in the times ofhis peace,he had no refl.? When the Prophet thews the temper of wicked men, he compares them to the_troubledfea, when it cannot ref}, Ifs. 57. w. It thould Teem P p p that