474 Vert-. 22: An Expofition upon the Book,of J O B. Chap. 3. that job was like a troubled Sea, for himfelf.faith, he could not ref!. I anfwer, by diflinguifhing, firft of a two-fold reft, there is a reft ofcontentation, and a reft ofconfidence. Job hadnot a reft of confidence, he truftednot in his outward peace ; but he had the refi of contentation, even in his outward troubles. Awicked mans confcience is like a troubled Sea, when he enjoyes outward peace; but job enjoyed peace of confcience, while his outward, . eflate was like a troubled Sea : He was fully fetled in his mind, whenhe had no tell ; and was fatisfied in fpirit, whenhe had not this quietnefs : So that when he faith, I had no reft, neither was I quiet ; his meaning is only this, I never placed my happinefs in thefe thiügs,I never built nay hopes upon creatures,I`never trufted upon them, not expedred much from them. Or if you will more: clearly apprehend the fenfe of this laft Verle, you may read it in that contrary pradifeof the rich man, Lu.k; 12.19. His houle was full,but his heart was fuller ofthe creature: andhe made the crea- ture both his rock to build upon, and his pillow to fleep upon ; when his ground brought forth plentifully, and he had built new barns today uphis fruits, then he lays himfelf down to sleep ; and that he might Veep quickly and quietly, he rings a requiem to his Soul ; Soul, thou hair muchgoods laid upfor manyyears, take thine cafe, eat, drink andbe merry , No face can be more unanfwerable to a face, Heaven and Hell, light and darknefs, are not more un like, then thefe words of the rich man are unanswerable in like- nefs to t bore_.wòrds ofJob. That rich mans words are the alTirma tives ofall fobs negatives, and may be thus rendred in full fenf, I was (and I refolved I fhouid fo continue) infafety, aireft and quiet. yòbs eflate was as full as his, but his heart was emptied of all creature- confidence and complacence,! (laid he) never thought my Pelf the fafer for there, and therefore I Paid tomy Soul, Soul, take not thy ref(, quiet not thy (elfin thefe : This is his intent in laying, I was not infafety , neither had I reJl, nor was I quiet. It follows, Yet (though it was thus with me) trouble came , though my heart was loofè from the creature, yet I loft all I had in the crea- ture: though I made not the worldmy comfort,yet I found forrow in the world ; I never expeeied much peace in it, none at all from it yet trouble came, fuch trouble carne, as might move and shake me to pieces. Job, you fee, when he had abundance ofall out- ward things, yet faith, he was not in fafety-, andat quiet, he did