Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An Expofition upon the Book,of 3 OR. Vert. 22. 475 did not reft in or upon them. Hence obferve , AGodly man never felted' up his reft -in Creatures. Though he have never fo much riches in poffeffl6n, yet hé doth not make richeshis portion. He lives by that caution, (Pfal. 62. to.) -If richesflow in, or increafe, yetfet not thine heart upon them. _In the higheft flood, and fpring- tide ofworldly profperity, We should keep our hearts within the Channel. When Riches are increafed into a mountain, and (to the eye of Nature) into amountain ofRocks, yet then''do not fet - thy heart upon them, as upon a foundation, ('fo the Hebrewword l`i1t imports) to fettle thy contentments : All the Creatures inHeaven and Earth are not thong enough to bear the weight of a mans heart, (God only can do that) who is theRock, of Ages, oran Everlafting Strength,-If. 26. 3. all, befìdes him, is afoundation of fand, and fo a-Godly man takes them, What Nature looks at as afoundation of Rocky, that Grace fees to be.a foundation ofSand., and therefore will not reft upon it, neither indeed can ir. A God- lyman in hisafiEtions is , as havingnothing, andyet polling all things, (aCor. 6. ro.) and in his abundance, he loath all things, but poffeffeth nothing; for he fo pòfeffes things, as if he did not poffefs them; as the Apoftles counfcl'is, ( Gor. 7.3 t.) He mar- ries as if be marriednot , be weeps as if he wept not he rejoyces as` if be repyced not , he 'buys as ifhe poll-erred not , becauf e the fafbion of this world paffeth away. It was àn excellent fpeech of Luther, 'concerning worldly things, I haveproteffed, that I will never befatisfied with the Creature, (this is to be a Prateflant in deecl, as well as in truth.) A godly man is an Epicure inChrift, hé would never play the Epicure, but in Chrift and in God : In them, and towards them, he gives his affeûions their full fwing and asa wickedman is Paid to enlarge' hfe defires (after the Earth) as Hell, (Hab. 2. 5. ) fo he enlarged' his defires' (after Heaven) as Heaven., and complains his defires are no larger. In the' thoughts of Chrift he fits down, and would take his fill, he faith, I amfafe in him, I am quiet, and at reJt ; He faith to his Soul, Soul, loft thon fie that Chrift, and doff thou take notic -e of rhofe Proníifes 7 Thou haft goods laid up in him; in themfor many years, ye.% for eternity; Soul, take thine cafe, tame it fully, thou haft riches, thou bdit an eflate that can never be (tent, Soul, eat, drin'; , and be-merry ; His blood is drink indeed, and his flef{s is meat'ced, joy in Chrift is joy indeed, unffnezhyble ,joy here, and fulaeli of i;y loon: fret' : In his pretence there is Panels Ppp2