Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

4.76 verf. 26 An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Chap. 3 of joy and at his right hand there are pleafures for evermore. Until' the Soul pitches this on Chrift, it is not in fafety, much let's in refi or quiet. As the needle. in the Compafr is in continual motion till it points toward the North, where (as it is conceived)" there are Rocks of Load -fione with which itfynipathizeth: So the.Soul is in continual motion untill it points to Chrift, who (we are lure) is that living Rock, withwhomall believers fympathize, and the true Load-hone which attra6l s all believers tohim. A believer, like Noahs Dove, finds no.-reft (all the world . over ) for the feet of his Soul, untill he returns to this Ark of fafety and Salvation And therefore after all his flights and flutterings among the Creatures, he faith (with the Pfalmifi,) Return unto the Reft ( -thy Chrifi ) 0 my Soul , far the Lord bath dealt bountifully with thee, Pfal. 116, 7. Thou haft: been abroad in the world, and that (like a narrow- hearted Mailer) deals niggardly with thee; If thou fhouldll flay long, either in the fervice of; or dependance upon the world , the world would ftarve thee Therefore return- unto thy Reif in the Lord, for the Lord bath dealt ( and will yet deal more) bountifully with thee O my Soul. Laftly,in that Job faith,/was not infafety, neither hadI reft, &c: yet troublecame-; we mayobíerve, That the more our hearts are loofened from the Creatures, the -store ofurance we may have of enjoying the Creatures. It is as if job_had raid, I was notfaflened to the world,my heart was not engaged to any thing on this fide Chrift ; and this was the fairefi, the molt probable way for the continuance of my outward com- forts ; yet trouble came. The redditive particle, yet , fuppolis. force what in reafon, or probabilityat leali, that might have car- ried it another way. As when the Prophet Amos, reckoning up the Judgments of God upon his people, 1peaks to them thus in his Name, (Chap. 4.6, 8, 9.) have feat you cleannefs of teeth yet haveyou not returned unto- me ; l have fent you the Peftilence, the Sword,-yet have you not-returned unto me. Theyet, thews there was great reafon God íhould expo t their return., or that he had done that,which in all probability might have caufed them to return when he fent thofe Judgments. So here, when _ob, faith, I was not-in fafety, &c. yet trouble came; the yet implies that there was fomewhat even in that unquietne(, whichgave ham .hopes of. fettlement in his outward comforts. It feems to carry