Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap An Expofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 26. carry fuch a fenfe init, as ifhe had in more words explained him felt thus : Had 1 dwelt feçurelly and given my Jell' up to the contentments of my ffefh, or truJled in an arm of fleJh for fafety; Ifhould not have wondred at my calamity, or thought firange of my trouble ;But this is a riddle which Tcannot yet expound, that when my heart was no wayfit upon my eflate, my effate fhouldfall , that when I refted not, in the Creature , I Jhould meet with fuch trou- bles in the Creature. This is not the manner of God , it is not ufual for God to do thus, in his dilpenfations toward his people and fervants. It is very rare, that he takes their outward com- forts from them, when they are not taken with their comforts. Hence it is ( as I apprehend ) that jobputteth it in with ay,et trouble came. This way of Grid with me, is out of the ordinary court of Providence.. I confefs Mercer, a very learned Com- mentator,dothnot favour this Expofition,oflaying fuch a weight upon the paxticleyet; änd therefore renders the Original ( Van) "hon J.:ea as a bare copulative : I was not infafety, &c. And trouble came. "quo( qurdam Yet having the Authority ofour Tr-anllation,and the frequent want Iohum of the word to that fenfe in other places,we may_verrture upòn it; vetdie hail yea I think it is no venture, but a certain advantage both to the 'muidre onrtegac Text and to our felves. And I am certain the Pofition is true, infotentior fuir though the Expofition fhould notprove fo: For the truth is Trou. rebm n,jluenti bles are never fo.near, as whenwe put them furthefl of; Nor is bur, to rem æ theworld ever fo unfure tous, as when we make fureft ofit. God in ,,,,,ifiaer riémála Me', . often pulls their comforts from them, whole hearts are glued to their comforts : As it is Paid of thole in the z Their. 5.3. When theyfhallfay, Peace and fafety, then 'ridden d truetiòn'Jhall corne upon them, as pain upon a woman in travel; and they,Jhall not efeape : Mark, When they'ballfay , 'that is, conclude all's their own, when out of the abundance of their .hearts their mouths fpeakof nothingbut ofpeace and fafety, all is well,. andall will be well, then fudden defiru lion cometh, : When a man faith, I have riches,I have a full eftate,I havehonpur,I am a happy man,' may . take my reft then poverty, want, difgrace, mifery, vexationsand troubles fall upon him as an armed man. Thus for-the moil part God wrefis the creatures fooneft outoftheir hands,who hold them faflefl. In the iy. of Luke; Chriti inftanceth in the" (byes of Noah, andin the dayes ofLot, when they were fecure, buying and felling, building and planting, marrying and giving in marriage, as if the world had been their own, and as if they meant to tab e.. the 477