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478 Verf. 22. An Expofition upon the Bookof j Q B. Chap. 3. theheart ofit but,andleave apoor world for thenext age,then the flood came, and then fire came, and they with theirs were fwept away and confumed as in a- moment. The Mafter of the fervant in the Gofpel Jball comein In what day Fttf, in a day when he looked not for him. Secondly, in a day when his heart was let out upon the creature, when hefball'be eating and drinking with the drunken, when hefháll befmitingh'ia felloro-fervants ; when he (hall thinkall fure,and thedayhis ow.n,in that dayfhall his Maffer come, even in the day that hzlooketh notfor him, and in an hour when he is not aware, Luk. 12. 45 , 46. To have the (pirit fleept and drencht in worldly pleafures or profits , endangers us to force fudden (weeping Judgment : And when we value the enjoyment of the créaturemore then we ought, we (hall not long enjoy it fo much as we might. Earthly things fail us fooneft,whenwe truft in them, or think our (elves fafe by them. From this obferve (in paffage) a vaft difference between God a'nd the world, between earthly things and fpiritual ; the way to hold fpiritual things fait, is tò take fait hold of them, to cleave to them, with a full purpofe of heart, never to let themg\: Ifyoucarry look affeetions towards Chrift, you may quickly lofe the comforts of his prefence : The more we reft upon Chrift, the more we twiton God, and make him our fafety, the more fate we are ; Him doth God ef ablifh inpeace, peace, inperfect peace, whofe mind ii'ftayedupon him, even becaufe he truffs upon him, Ifa. 26. 33. We have molt peace from God , when we expeCt molt, and may look for more reft and quiet, 'when we raft quietly in, him, and fay, In God i have enough, yea as Jacob, (Gen. 33. IT.) I have all. But ifyou would have reft in the world, fay as the Pro -. phet Micah direéts,' (Chap. 2. io.) 7his is not our your hearts at a due diftance from the world, and you ¡hall (rnoifì probably) keep the world.What Chrift (peaks of this life,is true Of the things of this life ; He that will lofo ( that is, he who is rea- dy to lofe) the things of this life, than fáve_them ; apd c that will fave,that is, he who is refol ved to five the things ofthis life, thall lofe them 1 put them out ofyour hearts, and yot, may hold 'them in your hands : You Rand firmeft upon the Earth, when you do but touch it, and touch it ( as a round body Both` a plain ) only ,in a point. You are freeft fromdanger , when you fay, we are not in fafety; freeft from motion, when you fay, we are not Zn refl- . And when (in jobs fenfe) you are not quiet, then (ac- cording