The Table. ends i.e. Manmay propofe his end,but he cannot reach it. p. 307 E chewing evil, more then the not corn- , wittingofevil, p. 2 8,29. A godly span doth not onlyforbear, but efchew fin, allfin,andall the occafns off; p.33 Evil offin.Whyfin calledevil, p.28, Sa- tan would perfwade us to cafe our felves of troublefom evils by commit- ingfitful evils, p.284. Affliblion, in what fence called evil. p.29 I Evil ofpunifhment or aflibtion,confider- ed as corning from God,, may be born, with more quietnefs, 9.292. Btcauf we receive all good fromGod, .it is e- qual that we fhould patiently bear evil. 294 Expofition ofScripture very ufeful,1,2 Expofition ofScripture to the heart,the Polepriviledge of Chriff. 2 Expofition' of Scripture by our lives moff excellent. 2, 3 Eye,How thefight of the eye wounds the heart,eitherwith fin orfarrow, p.393 Alfo that the fight of the eye affebis the heart with joy. 394 Ace of God, what. 142 Favour ofGod makes our wort out - wardtroublescomfortabble,p,35 o.The hiefìngofthe creature depends wholly on thefavour and refpeei which ,God (hews it, 351 Fear of God taken two ways,both defcri- bed, p.27. Moral bonefty without the fear ofGod, commends us not to God, R. 3 r. Fear containsevery grace, p. 12, Fear keeps the life clean, p. 32. What it is tofear .Godfor nought, p. 1ova&c.Whetber it be lawful in tines . ofcomfort tofear troubles,p.466.Di- veryforts of fear, p.467, &c. To fear a fear, what it imports, p. 466. Holy wifdom bids us fears fo as toprepare for evil inour belt days, p.469. The more we thus fear, the left we _that! feel troubles. 471 Feafting is lawful,' p. 49. Seven Rules given about feafting. 50,&c. Fealtings anciently in the night. 364. Fire of God, why fo called. 160 Fool andwicked thefame, p. 287. Low thoughts ofGod, and the works of his Providence, argue the greateff folly, p.289. Sin the greateff folly. 290 Friend, unkindnefs from a friendtron- bies moff, p.273,274. A friend who 9.301: It is an all of truefriendfhip, to mourn with and.comfort our afflia_ ed friends. 305 G Arments, Renting ofgarments in what cafes ufed. 179 Gain will make fume do any thing. 381 Gholi, giving up_the ghoff, what it im- ports. 396 Giants and infants are expreffed bya wordcoming from thefame root in the Hebrew. 421 Gift, whatit is, p.203. Every outward as well as fpiritual good thing, . is Gods gift, 9.2031204. God gives no more thenwe get honeftly,p.2o5.That Gadgives all, dejiroys four Monffers at once,two in therich,two in thepoor, p.205,2o6,&c. That theLordgives, fhould make us willing to give to the Lord, 207 A