Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

The Table A-godly man the moll confiderable object in the world, pag. 93, 94. Such are molt aimedat,and affa ultedbySatan, p.95. A godly man swillnot let nature warkalone,p.193. He acquits God in all his dealings with him, p. 202. A godly man can never be info ill a con- dition,butGodhath ufe f his life.254 Godlinefs bath the -promijesof this life performed to it, p.45. Timefilent in duties ofgodlinefs , no hinderance to our calling. 45 Gold andfilver howproper and necefa- ry for Princes. 414,415 Good and evil, how alikefrom theband of God. 292 Gracepreferves it félf pure among the impure. 24 Grace the heft bleffing, p.29i &c.TVhere onegrace is,every grace is, p.30. Holy praelif mares grace vifble,p.52. It increafes by oppofition. 229 Grace andthe favour of God are fweet to us, when all other things arebitter and burdenf om. 444 Graves and Sepulchres called defolate places,p.4I2. Care and colt anciently beftowed in building ofthem; p. 413 Why called defolateplaces, p.4,1 q. Grave called a bottle, p. 416. Much treafure formerlyput , in graves, p. 416, 417. Some take more care for their graves andfepulchres, then they dofor their Souls. 420 H ., HAnds,warkofthe hands maybe ap- plie to any bufinefs, though a work of thehead, p.117,118. To put forth the hand,whas it means,p.5 24. Haud. of God, what it fignifttes in Scripture, p. 125. Either mediate or immediate , To put into the hand, what it notes. 137 Health, a great blefng, p. 226. let quicklyblafied. ibid. Heart malt be efpecialty looked to, p.74` Man can but gefr at the heart of a- nother, p.75 The heart cö -tinually evil,p.76. Satan can but griefs at the heart. 13.5. Hedge,what it imports,mhenGod manes a hedge about a man, p. 111,1 a 2. Job had a threefold hedge, p. r íe. There is a hedge of af}lielion , anda hedge of proteelion, 460 Holinefs, Holie/t perfons donotalwayes, keep thefame degree of holinefs. 342 Honeay, what we get honeftlf, we can lofepatiently. 205 Hope, The want of that ofic7s to moft, which we hope for moll, p. 385. A hopelefs condition is the worft condi_. tiara. 386,462 Honour, God will honour them who ho- nour him,p,2aS.What it is to honour God or man. 327 Humiliation muff increafe as a iielions either perfnal orpublickdo incre,fe. 268, &c. I IGuorance,HowGod isfaidtowink at times ofignorance. 355,352. Impatience is a charging of God with Jolly. 219 Infants weep as faon as they areborn,p. 393. They have the feed of death in them asfòon as horn. 98 Intentíons,It argues a maliciousfpirit, when a mans ac/lions arefair , then