The' Table. toaccù e his intentions. 108 Likenefs ofquality andofequality,ioo l :tegrity, to hold integrity in evil All the Saints on earth like one ano-. ,times, is not only goodbut admirable, tber, and like Ghrifi in quality, but 229.2. beworldwouldperfwade, that unlike -yin, equality; ibid. the holdingof integrity andprofeffion Light a great Meng, the forts of it, of holinefs are vain. 276 3.53. Light- haters, Who ? , sob, when he lived. ,<a8 Longing fora thing, notes .theflrogejt Joy , dly joy and forrow mutually defire. - 447 . can a one another, 305. What at one M time is ourfear, at another time may be our joy. 454 VrAn, the word man inScripture, Jutiiceinour dealings honours cur pro- ,,LY.. fignifies more thenu reafonable fjion ofgodlinefS. \ 31 creature, or the noblerfex 2o, &c. 3 Hebrew words for Man, their diffe- rence. ibid. Man taken firft for any Eminent man, Nowledge, Wicked ,men hate it, fecondly, for a Magiflrate, 20,21 andwhy, 373. Knowledge of mi Mercies,..$ome mercie.ereceived, exceed fery which we cannot be delivered our ownpralles, as fome troubles ex-. from,makesus more.miferable, 440 ceedour ownmourning:, 381. Infad Keyes : fqurkeyes thehand times fmall comfortspafs for great of God. 3,90 mercies, 384. Everyftep ofour dives g, needs a ftep of mercy, 399,445 Morning, to do, a thingin the morning, LEviath.a', why fo called, 369. What . is to do a thing diligently, 59. Morn- it is to rail* upLeviathan, ib.37o, ing beft,praying time, 6o &c. Two other fignifications of the Mourn, Tomournwith thofe that are in word,378_The name of afong. 380 afiCCtion, oar duty, 306. The report y .Ä ife.,0asr life here is but a coming anda of others fufferings fhould caufe ;us going, J.201. Lifeis the moft precious to mourn, 307. Great troubles war- treafure in nature, 24o. Not to be .rant fèlemnmourningt. 319 _parted with for ä trifle, 241. The Mourning aprofeffion. 375,&c. foulfar moreprecious then life, 243. Mouth, to open themouth, what, 325. So alfa is the Goffiel, ¡bid. &c. The A fool doth not open-his mouth and love of"Ghrif£ inparting with lifefor freak,but his fpeeeh opens his mouth. us, 244. What life is; in the natural 326 confideration of it,251,441.Lifeand N Meath are in thehandof Cod, 256. I Akednefs.twofold, 197, &c. hercy to have life though, we loofe all. Every man born a.nakedhelplefs elfe. 257 creature. 200 Name,