The Tablé Name, What it deported) when God knoweth a man by name, p.97,98 Name ofGod taken four wayes. 212 What it is to biefs the Name of God, 213 Nature, Changes in the courfe of Na- ture, arefull of terreur, 360 Negative words in Scripture, are not alrwayes denials, a So O Oppreffors of three forts, 430. The words of Oppreffors are wound- ing words, p. 432. They who will not hear the voyce of the Preacher, may jufily be given up to hear the voyce of theoppreffòr, 433 P Ain -of the body , very powerful to difguiet the mind. 248 Parable, What it is, 326. Parables groundedon known cufloms. 398 Paflion, -irt it lawful to _thewpaffion in the caufe of God , when his glory is concerned, 288. We mayexprefs our pailion by reproofs. ibid. Patience, A man may be patient, and yet complain under his afflierions, p. 339,Five things in a illions to clear this. 340 Perfetion, or to beperfeil, what, p.24 The kinds of it,ibid.In whatfenfe the Saints areperfeei in this life. 25,26 Pexifh, What it is toperifh, 335 How a day maybefaid toperifh,ib, 336 ìterfeverance , That which a man doth out of confcience, he willdo withper- feverance. - 6 Pòffeflìon of good things without the e enjoyment of them, ixagreat evil and trouble. 444_ Poverty it Gods giftas well as riches,- 292 .. Power, Neither Men nor Devils havo any power to hurt till God give coín- mi on, 138 Prayer, How it may be faid to move, God, 231-. Wemuft pleadwith Godin prayer, 232 Prayer,Satanwoulddifcourage us out of prayer and holyduties. 276 Praire, They who dó well (hall be lure to havepraife fromGod. 219 Preparation, Holy duties call for holy preparation. 57 Prilonersoftwoforts, }3ó. Theirs is a fadconditiön,43r.:To vifit Prifoners,, a work very-pleating to Chrifl, 431 Sighing is the language ofPrifoners, 430 Punifhment oflofs , worfe then thepa 354 nifhment of fenfe, Uantity, Natural andcivil, 434, ieftions, What it imports when Gad aks a queftien. 86, 87 . ,R R. Eafon, We are apt to think -t there is sono reafonfor that, for which won fee no rea/ou, epentance:.Renewe/fins mull have re- newed repentance, 7 Repentance nót to beput off leapained body, Reproof lawful, 288. Hrw to be quads- fiedwithmeeknefr. ib d cCc. Reproofprevails maß when hacks with re-Ten, 292 443 Re fei r-