Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

The Table. pie dwelt there. Pag. 23 Wi(hes, In what fence we may lawfully Verfe, Or meeter, tholeparts of Scrip - with that had not 6een,whicb U. 406 tore which are fullefi ofaffelllion, are Women, Fulleft ofaffellions. 379 written in verfe. 334 Worldly things in their greatelf,beauty Vifiting of the afflicted, bow calledpure may he blafted in a moment, p. 174 Religion. 3 o6 The thoughts ofgreat andwife world- ly men are onlyfor the world, p.418 The heft things of this world may prove burdens to us, p. 443. Worldly mens hearts , fuller ofthe world then their haul-es, p. 474. They reft fully in worldly contentments,Ibid. AGod- ly man neverJets uphis reff in world- ly things, p.475. The more our hearts are loofenedfrom the world, the more áffurance we have to hold the world, p. 476. Worldly things, the more we truft to them, the lefs we receivefrom them, p. 478_, Their difference in this 11C lefnefs of any creature, is the difho- nour ofthat Creature. 363 Uprightnefs, Vprightt, what it is to be upiìht , as upright is diftinü from perfell,. p. 26. Twoforts of upright- nefs. 27 Ay ofa man, what. 458 Way ofman towards God two- old, Ibid.' How our way is hidfrom God, p. 459.How Gods way is hidden from us. 460 fromfpiritual thingF, Ibid. Weeping and crying out in pain, is an Woríhip, What the poftures ofit, 188, Standing, fitting, walking, kneeling, falling down all thefe are worfhip poftures, p. 189. What worfhip is, with the kinds of it, p. 19o. Divine Worlhip proper only to God, 191,194 Civil Worthymay be given men,that of twoforts, p.192.God muff be wor- 1hipped in anhumble manner, cafe ofpain, 315 Wicked men are employed as Inftru- ments to a_$lili the Godly. 1.66 Wife, Why Jobs wife was fpared, when all elfe was loft, p. 271. Wives have a threefold advantage in perfwading with their Husbands. 273. Winds, their nature andpower. 170 How _Gent by God, how raifed by Sa- tan. 171, 194