Chap. I. An.Éxpoftion upon the BookofJ O B. VGrC 3: 3 We find frequent mention in thofe ancient times, of the riches ofthe Patríarçhs and others in gold and flyer. It is exprea con- cerning Abraham, Gen. 13. 2. that Abraham was very rich in cattrl, in filver, and ingold. And Abrahams `fèrvant, Gen. 24. 35. faith of him, The Lord bath bleffed my Mafter greatly, and he háthgiven him flocks, and beards, andfilver, and gold. And verf. 53. Thyfervant brought forth f-ecreLr of filver, and jewels ofgold, andgave them to Rebekah, he, gave alto to her brother -and to her mother precious things: And Gen. 23. id. we read of Abrahams payingfour hundredfhekels of flyer unto Ephron the Hittite, which was called currant money with the. Merchants. So that it is thofedays,gold,and flver,and Jewels were fùb- Rance. But here the Effore ofjob'is reckoned and call up by Cattle, there is no mention ofgold,and lìlver , and Jewels, and precious fioues,ancLthe like.Hiefübjtance was 7000 Sheep, &c. Two rea- fons may bee\given for this accompt. Thefirfi is this,becaufe thofe.ancienit times were fo much given -to,& irtïployed in the feedingofeattel: therefore they did reckon 'theirEflatesby cattel,as '-wie now doby money, by:gold, and by filver,orby yearly Rents and ReveùuestIff manhad fo many cat- tel,fomany fheep,fomany oxen,&c. They knew his efiate, what gold and filver,or other riches hemight have. When the fóns of f acob came before Pharaàh,Gee.46.32.they. are called (hepherds,, e r a The men arefhepheards, for their trade hath. been tofeed. Cattel rip They are Mien ofCattel as if heMould fay, the fpecial commo- dity, the main thing thefe trade in;is about Cattel,and that gives denomination : They had gold-and flyer, but they are men of Cattel. And then again, for this reaíoii, Cattel are living fubffance Gold and Silver are dead fubflance, Cattel in their own nature are moreexcellent then Gold and Silver,becaufe they have life ; every thing that hath life, is better in its degree then that which hath no life : The lowefl creature that bath life,is better then the beft without life ; the lowell ofa fuperiour order, is better then the higheft ofan inferiour : Now all things without life are put into a degree, into aClaf is or form below and inferiour to thofe that have life. It is true, That Moneyanfwerethall things ; Money Ecdef. toaç, :. is equivalently Sheep, and °ken, and Aff.s, and Camels. Money is equivalently bread,andmeat, and drink, and clothing , and' what..