Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

il Chap. i. AnExpofition capon the Bookof J O B. VerC 3e whatfoever you need,it is virtually all that you may and can re- ceive ; fo that by wayofcommutation andexchange,Money is all things: but formally and in it fen, fo thefe things are life and fu- .ftenance,and fupport of man, therefore thefe go away with the name and the titleof the eftate ;the eftate or fubftance ofjob was in thefenatural and living riches, not in artificial or dead riches. Hence it was that the Ancients gave the namePecunia toMoney, which comes a Pecude fromCattel (fo the Criticks obferve) be- caufe they ftamp'd the formofa Sheepor an Oxupon Money,no- tingthat Cattel were the riches and the eftate of a man properly and chiefly. This may fuffice for the reafons, why the eftate or riches ofjob is let forth by cattel, and not by gold and filver,and other like poffeilions. Further, with this abundance ofiCattel that Job had, we muff underftand,(though it isnot exprefljthat he had Land futable to Pauperir eji fuch a flock. nuarerare And when thefe numbers are let down(becaufe we ufually fay, your. he is but poor that cannumber his Cattel,) we are not to hand flrRUy upon the precifenumber of[even thoufand, or five hun- dred,&c.But here are great quantities mentioned, to note,not only that yob had many, very many Cattel,but that he hadgreat num- bers ofall thefe. Then it followes, he had thefe,anda very great houfhold. .e i-Myt Thewords in the Original, do fignifieServants, or Tillageand i1]1Husbandry ; concerning Ifaac, Gen. 26. it is Paid, that he hadpof. voP ma mg' fefonsofflocks andof beards, andgreat flareof fervants, fo dome npfliumsept' read it; others that he hadgreat ftoreousands It comes all dsrta, s.. fhb Y $ vitium;Aquil. to one purpofe, for the greatnefsof the houfhold, or multitude of Ól, fa, fame- fervants, were for thole ufes, tomanage and order thofe Flocks, litium, sym. that Tillage and Eftate that God had bleffed himwith. He had a very great houfhold,manyattendants upon the feveral fervices of his Eftate. Laftly, we have the fum and refult (as it were) ofhis Ellae, in thedole ofthe verfe. So that this man was the greateft ofall the men ofthe Eaft. He was the greatef divers ways, greateft in riches, greaten in power, greateft in honour, greaten in grace, which is the ben greatnefs of all. He was greateft all thefe ways , but that which is here fpecially meant, is the grea?nefs ofhis honour and riches: He