Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. r. An Expofition upon the B O B. Verf. 3. 45 nefs. Such is the courfe ofthe world, and it is the (haine of the world,much moreofChrifiians.We fee in yob'sprauife,that rich- es may be attained and maintained too by righteoufnefs,job was rich and juJt. Thirdly, In that Job, a man fearing God, was-thus rich, thus' great ; fee here the truth ofthe promifes. God will hike good his promife concerningoutward things to his people. Godlinefr hatlr the promifes of this life as well asof that which into co%ne.As it hath 'Tim. 4, 8. promifes made to it, f it hath promifes performed to it ; job a manfearing God,a godly man,is very rich. Indeed, not 'many rich, not many mighty, not many honourable, not manygreat ones are call- ed ; and fonot many of thole that are called, are mighty, and Icel.". z6. rich,and great,and noble: yet Tome fuch are, that the truth of the promifes may appear fometime in the very letter to tile eye of fenfe, as it always doth to the eye offaith.. . Do not fear that you (hall be poor,ifyou turn godly, for godli- nets hath the promife s ofthis lifè;and there was a rich job,a rich Abraham, a rich Ifaac, a rich David, and many other godly, rich. God will perform, when itisgood for them, the promifes of out- ward good things to his children outwardly. Fourthly, Here is another Obfervation from this place ; Job was frequent in holy duties ; he wasa man fearing God,thatis(as we explained it in the fiat verfe) he was much vertt in the ways of holyworíhip, he did not ferve God by fits,or at his leafure, but continually, yet he was very rich. Note hence, Time /pent in holy duties,.is no lofs, no hinderanoe to our ordina- ry callingr,or to our thriving in them. job ferves God Co frequently,tlíat it is called çontinually,yet he grows in wealth abundantly.The time that he. fpentin the fervic.e ofGod didnot rob his purfe, impoverifhhis famrly,or hinder him inhis dealings and bufinefi'es of the world; Job maintained both his callings,he maintained his general calling in the ways and fer- vice ofGod, and his fpecial or particular calling in his relations unto men, both went on together, and they were no Linde- rance one. to another, buta furtherance rather.The time we fpend in fpiritual duties,is timegained for fecular. The pains we take in prayer, &c.whets our tools, and oyls our wheels;promotes all we go about, and getteth a bleffing upon all. This meets withanother blafphetny, frequent in the world. Jamanprofefling godlinefs go backward in his eftate, elpecial- G 3; lY