Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chapa. An Expofitienupon the Bookef J O B. Verf 5. 53 laid here, that Job fent and fandified them ? Is not fandificati- on the proper work ofthe Spirit of God ? Both not the Holy Ghoil alone fantifie ? For the clearingof this , whereas it is laid that job lent and fanc`fified them ; Firft, fome expound the meaning thus, thatJob feat up prayers to God to fanUifie them. And indeed prayer is a fanliifying ordinance. As prayer regeireth a holy heart., fo prayer will make a holy,heart; make the heart that prays holy,yea many, times get holinels into anothers heart. Sccondly,others fay, hefeat andfanítified them , that is; he fent them to the place that was appointed for facrifice, wherehe intended to fanc`fifie theca or where, in the holy duty of calling upon the Name of God, and ofoffering facrifice, theywere to beJenlfified; He fent and fandi- fied them ; he fent them to the place where the Sacrifice fhould be offered, that fo theymight befanîtified. But thirdly, I rather take it thus , befent andfanflified them , that is, he fent a meffage to them , to command them to prepare and to fit themfelves for theholy duty ofoffering the burnt offering or facrificing. For to fantlifie, in Scripture notes two things. z. The infufion ofaholy habit, the infufion of.a new princi- ple into the foul. - 2. Apreparationofthe Soul to holyduties. Now when it is Paid that job fent and f anfiified them, it is not meant, as ifjob did infule holy habits into his children , as if it were in his power to make them gracious Indeed that is impof iible , it is only the work ofthe Spirit of God ; no man can come at the fpirit of another, but the Spirit of God. Put this is it , he Pent to them to prepare themfelves, to advifè and warn them to prepare themfelves, that they might be rea- dy for that holy duty , for the duty of facrificing ? And this preparation to holy duties , often called fanitifying , as Gen. 35. When Jacob was- called to Betbel to offer facrifice, and to build an Altar , he laid to his houthold, Verf. 2. Put away the Jtrange gods that are among you, andbe clean , (that is fanCifie you , or be you fanfified) . and let us arife andgo up to Bethel, and I will make there an Altar unto God, &c. The prepara- tion to the facrifice , was a cleanfing or.fandifying of them. So Exod..a9.2o. when the people were to be prepared to receive the Law, the Lord faith unto Mofis , Go unto thepeople, andfen- Litfic them to day and to morrow, that is , prepare the people, or H 3 warn