Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Z8 Chap. a= .An Expoftionupon the Book of J O-B. 'Verf 5. to be without anyfin, is the Holinefs- of Heaven.- He that liveth without fault, fine querela, (as it is faid of Zachary and Eliza- beth, that they livedblamelefly) in Gofpel account, is Paid to live without any fin at all. Another point we may coiled from this [ it may be my font have finned. ] Certainly then Jobs funs mere godly. If yob be at a(uetiion whether they have finned, they were godly without 9ueflion. When a man lives for that he leaves only a fufpicion that he hath tinned, we may beat a conclufion that he is faneified. For other perfous- can do nothingclfc but fin, even in holy actions, much more in civil or natural. Again, [ it may be myJens havefinned] It was a fufpicion in Job concerning his children. Hence obferv.e, It it no breach of Charity to fufpeEt ill of others, while, we in- tend theirgoer!. Indeed uponanIt may be, upon a peradventure to accule and charge another, is very. uncharitable ; but upona peradventure, or an It may be, fuch a one, my Child, or my Friend, or my Bro- ther bath' finned, to be put to pray for him, this is very charita- ble.A goodheart turns itsfufpicions ofothers (innings and failings into prayers and interceffions,that they may be pardon'd ; not in- to accufations and handers, that theymay be defamed. The: ufe which Job made hereof his fufpicion of his ions finning , Was to turn it into prayer and fupplication for, the pardon of their fin. One thingFurther from this, It may 'be my fns have finned. job knew ofno evil that his ions. had committed, he had no re- port that we read of that his tons had behaved themfelves un- feemly in their meetings and feaflings,he only doubteth,heonly is jealous and afraid that they had.; yet at this time he prayethand facrificerh, and laboureth a reconcilement for then. Note from hence, A fufpicion that we our (elves or others have finned agaiaß God, isground enough for usto feeka reconcilement for our felvesor ethers withGod. Ifyou that are tender Parents have but a fufpicion, ifthere be Out an It may be, that your child hath the Plague or taken the in- fe dfon, will it not be ground enough for you togo prefently and give your childa good. medicine ? If.any ofyou have but ,a fufpi- sion,.