Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

_Chap. . An Expófition upon the Book of J Ò B. Vert: 5. And curfedGod in their hearts. Interpreters arc much divided about the fenceof thefe words. Firtl, Some obferve that the Hebrew word Barsch, doth figni- fie not onely to bleJ's, but to bow the knee , So it is ufed 2 Ghron. 6. i 3.Soloman at the dedicating of the Temple hadmade a brazen fcaffold, andupon ix heftoodand kneeleddown upon his knees be.. foreall the Congregation. The word ¡there kneeled down upon his knees,in the Original,is the fame here ufed. But Ir1V1 Then further, the wordElohim, is ufed in Scripture,not only for the true God, for God himfelf : but it is applyed fometimes to Angels, and fometimes to Idols, to Devil Gods, to fall Gods, Exod. 18. r r. Now Iknow that the Lord is greater then all Gods, fcil. then all the Idolls that the Egyptians did truff upon. They obferve further,that the HebrewLeb (in their hearts,Bi- lebabbam) doth lignifie not only theheart,but the middleor cen- ter of a thing.As when it is Laid in the Scripture, they went down into the midit of the Sea, the word is , they went down into the heart of the Sea ; and in the midit of the earth, it is the heart flat. 46.2. ofthe earth : And fo when it is Paid that Abfalomwas hanging in themidft ofehe Oak, the Original word is, he was ¡left hanging. 2S41n. ts. r8. in the heart ofthe Oak. From all thefe acceptions of the tingle terms, the fence is made up,-thus,; It may be my fans have fn- ed, &c. that is, It may be myfons havefinned, bowing down to the falle Gods that are in the midit of them : I confers feafting and falfe worship, fenfuality and idolatry, gooften together : Exod. 3 2. 6. When the GoldenCalf was made, theyfat down to eat, &c. And Ivbfés foretells Deut.3r. 20. When they¡hall have eaten and filled tbemfelves, and waxenfat, then will they turn unto other Gods. Yet I cannot admit thisofJobs children : Purely he who had bellowed fo much care in their inftitution, and had themRill under his eye, could not fufpeci them ofdegenerating fo foon in- to fuch palpable idolatry. Secondly, Others take the word (Barach) in the Original in its proper fence, It may bemyfons havefinned, and bleffed God; and they expound and open it thus: It may bemyfons have finned, and, inftead ofbeing humbled and feeking to.Godfor the pardon Of their fins, they have rejoycedattdbletfedGod. Juft as ifa Thief that hath fped well, and hath got a goodprey, thould thank God that he hath profpered fo well in his wickednefs : So here (as if Job