Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I. An{Expofttion upon the Bookof J O B. VerC 5. 71 Job (hould fay) My fons have done ill in their feaftings ; and they arefofar from being humbled, that they have bleffed God in their hearts : they have been lifted up, they have given God thanks for theplenty ofcreatures, but have not repented for their abut ofthe creatures. So we may interpret it by that place, tech. i a. 4. where there is fuch an expredion, the Lord speaking to Christ faith, Feed theflockof the(laughter r'rvbofe paffeffors flay them, and hold themfelves not guilty. ( They that fhould have been the feeders ofthe flock, instead of feeding them;have destroyed them; yea they do this,.-and hold themfelves not guilty) and they that fell themfay, Bleffed be the Lord, for I am rich. They grew richby felling fouls, (as many fncehave lived by the fame trade, ftarving the people to feed themfelves) the juts charaf,}er of an idle Idol-Shepheard and then they laid, Bleffed be God we are grown very rich, andhave got much goods, though ire have, done little good. This is a fecond interpretation, and a clear one, one- ly methinks it lays too high a thinof wickediiefs on lab's fons; It is one of the greateft wickedneffes for a man to biefs him- self in his fins : but for a man to blefr God in his fins, is far worfe. Thirdly, Others interpret Benedicere by- Valedicere, biding bydeparting : thus , It maybe myfns have finned, aced departed fromGodin their heart s : and they bring Come Texts of Scrip- ture wherein the word (Barach) signifies to depart, or to take leave, and go away : as Gen. 47. r o. Tàcob bleffed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh; he bleffed him, and departed : So it is Paid likewiftofjoab, 2 Sam..14. 22. when he had obtained what he defired , befell to the ground on his face, and boned himfeif; and thanked (or bleffed) the King, and went out. Now they would interpret this, Bleffed Godin their hearts, to the fame fence ; It may be my font have finned, and bleffedGod in their hearts, that is, have departed from God in their hearts. Indeed every fin is a departure from God, as the Apostle fpeaks, Take heed left there be in any of you an evil heart of unbeleif to depart Heb. 3 from the livingGod. Sin is a turning away from God, yet every fin isnor, nay few fins are a farewel to God. But I fhall lay by this interpretation, for the proofs come not home, no nor near the point. In both thefe places, bleffings is not put barely for de- parting; and befides, departing in thofeTexts is taken in a good fence : Jacob departed from Pharaoh, not in away of deferting him rs,