Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

2 Chap. i. An Expofitian upon the Book, of J O B. Vert. 5.. hint, but in a way offaluting him : So loab departed from the King, not .at-he`did revolt from him, (as they would have the word-to- import a ki1i4 of revolting and apofl;atizing from God) but only he did obeylance, andwent away about his bufinefs, Therefore this Interpretation cannot fland. Zambius. There is a fourth Expofition much Zanchius (and would it hold, it were an excellent expofition) according to the letter -ofthe Text ; Thus, It may bemyfons have finned, and not bleffedGodin their hearts; and ío he makes thofe words to 'be exegetical, the explicationofthe former what the fin oflobs fons was ; It may be myfons havefinned, and ifyou wouldknow what they havefrnned in , I fear they have forgot togive God the glory . or the refrefbang they have had by the creatures.; they have not bleffedGod. This were an excellent and clearfence; but the way he takes tomake it out is very obfcure : For he doth it only by this rule, When (faith he)-there is a negative Particle-in the,former, a Negative like-wife is to-be underftood in the following claufe. His rule, he-clears by divers inftances. But we find in this place no negative Particle, as Non, or Ne, or the like, in the former part ofthe Verfe, and how there (hould bea Negative in the latter, I cannot underfiand according to his rule : Ne forte, (It is here . laid) it may be my Ions have finned, (that is a wordof doubting, riot denyal, rather an Affirmative then a Negative,) andhave not .bleffed : now, faith he, though that Particle [not] be not in the Hebrew, yet it mull be underftood of courfe, becaufe there is a Negative Particle in the former part:How he can make (neforte) peradve3tter, a Negative Particle, I do not welläapprehend , yet the fence in it fell is very good , It may be myfons havefinned,and not bleffedGod in their hearts. Some would read it with an interrogation, (though I quelli- on whether the Grammar will allow it,) Thus, It may be my fons havefinned, and have they bleffed God in their hearts ? As if he had faid, I fear they have not bleffed God, or not bleffed him _cordially : NegleEt of, or llightnefs in fiuch a duty, calls for fa- ;crifice. Iattly, That meaningwhich our Tranflation leads unto is molt commonly taken by Interpreters both Ancient and Modern ; Namely, that here in this Text the word (- Barach) is to be -ex- pounded by cúrfing, It may be my fons have finned, and curled God in their hearts. I fnall prefent you with the grounds of this Inter- . ; -