-74 Chap. i. An Expufition upon the BookofJ O B. Verf 5. which how quickly the heart may fendout, efpecially at a feats, who feels not,who finds not?God is Paid to becurfed when hehath not that reverence and honour which belongs to him whofe name is holy and reverent. In that fence only we are to underfiand the word curling here. And Mr Broughton gives aTranslation which lets in fume light to this, It maybe myfans havefinned, and little bleffed God in their hearts, that is, theyhave }got had filch high, filch holy thoughts of God as' became them,they have little bleffed God, carelefs thoughts of God are littlebleffing of God, and both amount to a curling of God. So that the fence which refults,is this,as ifjob lhould have faid, I am well enough fatisfied concerning my fans, that they have not broadly blafphemed God, that they bave not been fuch as have torn his name with oaths, curfings and execrations : yet notwith- ftarzding I know the heart if a deceitful thing, there are many cartingholes in it, it quickly conceives, andclofely conceals a fin; and therefore lam very doubtful, though my fans have carried it fairly and well in their allions and words while they. feafted, that yet their hearts have been loaf , and their affec'iions vain ; I am afraid they have curfed, lightly regarded,or little bleffedGod in their hearts. Obferve, Firff ; That we ought to keep our hearts with all Manner of keeping, in every thing wego about. Ifyour hearts are diforderly, it is a kindofcurfing God. Re- member not only to keep your hearts when you are praying, and when you are hearing, and when you are in holy duties ; but re- member to keep your hearts when you are leafing and refrelhing your felves, whenyou are in your callings, when you are buying and felling,en. Secondly, Note, That fins of the heart, finful thoughts, are very dangerous fins. job could not accule his Eons of loud Blafphemies, he only fufpeCted the filent fins ofthe heart, yet he oTereth facrifice for them. Again,When jobhad nothing to charge his Eons with,but only . fns of the heart,you fee it is with an It may be myfops have curfed God in their hearts ; he did not fpeakdirelyor pofitively, that they have done fo. Whence note, That