Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 1. this, and the fire kindling in the next part of the Chapter. Verf 6. Now there was a day when the Eons of God :came to prefent thent(elvesbefore the Lord, &c. Take this in the general from the conneEtion of the two parts : Vfualiy where Godgives much grace, he triesgrace much. To whom God hath given Itrong shoulders, on him, for the rriott part, he layeth heavy burthens: As foon as lob is fpoken ofthus prepared, the next thing that follows is an affliction. Now there was a day, &c. And fo we are come to the fccond main divifionof the Chap- ter, which is the 414 -lion of job, and that is fet forth from this frxth Verfe to the endofthe 19. And left we fhould conceive it to have come upon him by chance, it is pundually defcribed four wayes. r. By the caufes of it. Verf. 6,7. &c. 2. By the inftruments of it. Vert. 15,16, &c. 3. By the manner ofit. Verf. 14., 15, 16, &c. 4. By the time ofit. Verf ,r 619Il Firit, his afflictions are fet forth in their caufes,and that is done from the fixth Verf e to the end ofthe twelfth.. And the caufes are threefold. Firtt, The efficient caufes, and they were two. 1. Thefitpreamandprincipal efficient caufe, and that was ordering and difpofing the affliaion of f ob. a. Thefubordinate efftcientcaufè, and that was Satan; he was an efficient, but under God : Satan ¡found out other intiru, ments and tools to do it by, but he was an efficient fùb- ordinate unto God. And the Text difcovers him three wayes. I. By his diligence in tempting. Verfe a.By his malice inflandering. Verf. 9,1 0,11. 3. By his cruelty in folliciting the overthrow and aft&ion . of job, Verf. ja. Secondly, We have the material caufe of fob's afllidion, or in what manner he was afHieted ; and that is laid down, finii Pofi- tively, üì thole words, fill that he bath is in thy power ; that. is, L his An Expofition upon thé Boo1¿,of J O B. Verf. 6. 77