Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

90 Chap. 3a. An Expofation capon the Boob, of ] o a. Verf.i 3. EÌthu de ami- ken all As if they had faid, H e have foundout and concluded a- eorum7obi fi- mong our felvts, that 'tù molt advifeeblefor us, or our mrfefi way to tentio tonfue- fay no more you poll bly thinke we can fay no more, but we doe :,'east.F<< mduflriou(ly forbear to fay apy more; why should we trouble hint de ind,ft: ia,non any further God troubled) and vexeth him enough,God thruftetb o¡,orio Fo,ni- liredowne, therefore let not man; And therefore we thinke it new exabitrre our wiidome ( having `ayd this ) to forbeare and give him over, 7obum : Ceti: for we will not adde affliclion any longer to the afflicted. So etquod adeo Char as the A oltle Beaks concerning the repenting Corinthian ca9i,tetur. p t Vatábi: ( i Epiibb.Cor. a. 6, 7. ) Sufficient to fach a man is this punp- Cumdesse pre- ment whichwas infiiótedofmany, fo that contrariwife ye ought ra- pellat auranihil ther to forgive-him and comfort him, left perhats fach a one fhould ultraneceJf ell befwatlowédup withovermuch forrow;foJobs friends (according to a;t ab hominy imppl,6;;etsrr; ut this Expo(ition) are brought in fpeaking the fame fence; Suffi- a,!blo intuper et to him is that punifhment which loath been inj?ifted on him . addaeuráffli9is;by one, even by God, fo that contrariwife we ought rather tocone gain fati: alt' fore him, left he fhouldbefwallowed upwith overmuchforrow. lob us euzn e fun peccata Secondly, Others give their meaning thus rigidly ; We think perfequanur. it oar wi f-1owe to fay no more, but to remit or give him up to God, Fib Levi. as a man that is obfiinate and will not be convinced, Elihu told them a little before that none had convinced Tob ; and here they' are reprefented, fayin,, we indeed have left him to God, asun- convincible by us, and therefo°e, God muff thruft him downe, net man ; there is a truth in this. Some men are fo obflinate in their wayes, though evil!,. and ilirfe in their opinions, though groflell errors, that there is no more dealing with them, fetch as there are fan animi ob- pafl man' skill to recall or reelaime, they mull be left toGod. As fiimatio orne inextreame dangerous cafes of travel in child-.birth,the good wo- ampliuslequen- men fi,h and giveover, Paying, This is not womans worke, we mug di defrderiam leave her to theman; So indealin with fome men, after long la- adimit 'um" bouc and no fucceiTe, we mull even fay,, This is not mans woke, nemine, glom he muff be left to God , wko.alone can thrufl him down, man nzigo homo po- reriyfed dens cannot. fag, de Oa a- Thirdly, That which is,Tconceive,chiefly intended, take thus; minai pertinacia I ( faith Elihu) have undertaken after long waiting, and expe- dejaellere. lun: dance to Phewmine opinion, Leftye jhould fay, wehave foundout hum àb afli- wifdome ;That is,an argument fo firongly concluding 3ob'awicked ¿iatur d9 Inuit- man, that no wife mancan obe&T againfl it. But what was that tawmodo gfjli- irrefragable argument, by which obs friends hoped toconclude gaiur, ida;adeo him, and flop his mouth for ever ? Surely that which followe h in