Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. -3 à. An Expofation upon the Boot(, of j or B. Verf. i 3. Paid, They will doe it upon their naturall prerogative-, or the right of paternity, without giving any account ; Yea,afather will affli and chafien his child fómetires( in another fence ) for his plei,fiwre ; That is, to vent his paflion, and cafe hitnfelf.: but God . never chatlneth us in pafliion, nor ever purely upon prerogative; but with a refpea alfo to our fpirituall (which is the belt ) pro- fit, and for our good. Now among the good things whichGod aymerh at in afi&ing any min, this is not the lean , the purging out of his evills. And therefore when we cannot afcnbe the. chat ifement of man toman, but to God alone, 'tis a witneïs a- gainft him, at leaf(, it drawes a fufpition upon him of fore great fìnfulnefs lodged in him, or fulfill! wayes walked in by him. Thirdly , Qbferve. It is no Concluding argument againfl any man that he is wick- ed, becaufe God a f ifh him immediately ; or, howmuchfoever thehandof God appeases in anoliition, 'tit no concluding art gument againft the affiiited. 'Tis one principall: fcope intendedby Elihu in this difcourfeg to thew that therewere other caufes & reafons of Gods affi&ing Yob, or any man elfe befides him.. And that we fhoùldnotmake Conclufions, that the greateff fufferers, are the grearefi finners For firft, though indeed God threatnetlr to puni!h the wicked,,. who wilfully tranfgrefíe his Law , yet he Alias many, with- oat refpe8 towickednefi'e, Secondly, thoughGod threatens the wicked only or chiefely at leaf+, yet he referees: a liberty to try the innocent ; yea, as fob faith in the 9thChapter, tie laughs at the trial! oftie innocent ; And. therefore the moll innocent are aloft tryed. I have had occafion more ïhen.once to Chew why they are moll or fo much tryed, F rft, for the exercife of their faith ; Secondly, for the improvement of their patience thirdly, to humble them ; Fourthly, ' fet them up for examples toothers ; as the Apoffie fames (peaks (Chap. 5; i o. ) Tale my Brethren, the Prophets, whohave fpaken-in the name ofthe Lord, for an exampleof fuffertng affliction and of patience. The Pro, pets have fufferedafflielion ; and Godbathlet them fumer, that they might be pitternes of fuffering; and 'cis. fo in many other inliances ; Fifrhly,.Goddoch it to mortifie their corrupti- .; Sixthly, to prevent future: tranfgreflìons,he hedgethup their way. 93