Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 32. An Expofttion upon the Bob. o, of J o E. Verf. t:}. 99 Note Secondly. what we fbeakefheuld be our owne fence, not thefenceofothers, - atnleffe their fence, either ofthings or perrons, be the fame with ours. Some pin their opinion upon the fleeves of others, and they will be juff' of the judgement of fuch a man ; what he faith , they will fay. M fotne expeca that every one fhoulci be of their Judgement, and fay as they fay ; they are many Matters ( which the ApoIlle fames forbids, MyBrethren, be not many Mafters, doe not take upon you to give the rule to all others , fome are proud at this rate, they thinke themfelves able togive the rule to 'all men) fo not a few are fo eafie, that prefently they will take up any thing as a rule from any Mailer ; whereas we thould not be fo apt tó follow,but labour to have theJudgment or reafon -of things in our_felves,rather then to take it up upon trufl.When Luther was much troubled about the dealings of God in the world, to fee how matterswent, and was faying within himfelfe, Setrely it were better things were carried thus and thus ; while Luther .( I fay) was thus troubled, he thoughthe heard this word of reproofe from God ; OMartin, Martin, I fee thou art very Martine,1311a- -wi fe, thou cang give rules, even toGod himfelfe,but Iam not agad tine, tu'able eafie to be led by men. Iwill not take thy Counfell, though Ifee than , fed ego haft an honer heart in what thou counfelleff. Ihave a way ofmy nan far. de* fequa. owne, ayd I will have-my Doneway, though theworld, yea, though loadmen, andmy crone faithfullfervents are grieved andmourne at ,t. Man would appoint_ to God himfeIfe, but Godwill not irodel matters by mans wifdome, nor in his way. Thus in the-prefent cafe (I only allude ) it is not good for us whenweheare -what others fay , prefently to receive it, or take the inpreff;bn from them ; and fo aniwer in their words , or vo-e their opinions, though they are wifeand'good men ; Elihu rakes the liberty to diffent, as inhis opinion, fo in his Method oT proceeding with yob, I willanfwer,- bu'rit (hall not be with your fpeeches, i will rakemy oivne courfe. Thirdly, Note. The faylings and mifiakes ofothers, jhould be ear warnings not to doe the tke. Elihu obferved where they miffed as to the matter in- handl z he